I've read Greg's Twitter time line and he kindly posted a pretty interesting summary of Franky VA Kazuki Yao's interview. He made a funny talk about Oda, Franky and such.
For clarification sandman, I did a Google search on the elements of the story and found references to it in 2015. TBH I thought it was even maybe as far back as 2014 but I don't trust my own memory. I swear Sabaody-san did an article on it. For some reason I also believe owarai tarento were involved in the panel. I apologize if my memory serves me incorrectly but I remember it being quite some time ago.
Thank you for the reply, Greg! I did a Google search as well and found some articles including Sabaody-san's website.
The title of the TV show was "バカなフリして聞いてみた" from 23:58-0:29 on May 3rd, 2011.
Below are some posts from 2ch when the TV show was aired.[hide]395 名前:名無しさんの次レスにご期待下さい:2011/05/03(火) 23:28:41.89 ID:K5PFfmPW0
23:58 バカなフリして聞いてみた
419 名前:名無しさんの次レスにご期待下さい:2011/05/03(火) 23:57:31.47 ID:TCj0KxnYO
420 名前:海軍本部大将黄猿 ◆OJIKI0IFmk :2011/05/03(火) 23:57:33.81 ID:z1T5O2nD0
447 名前:名無しさんの次レスにご期待下さい:2011/05/04(水) 00:11:49.21 ID:urdH3uE20
448 名前:名無しさんの次レスにご期待下さい:2011/05/04(水) 00:12:24.40 ID:m7mY4IpD0
半端ねぇな[/hide]source: http://onepiece2ch.jp/2400/2313.html
Specifically the guy who looks like ラーメンズ with glasses whose name I can never remember ^0^
That might be this guy, but not sure the TV show you are talking about is the same as the show above :)
Take your time, bro.
Thank you for the kind words and nice gif, Don:ninja: