I'm prepping to try and back up one of my computers for a reformatting, and I have a ton of video and various work files to back up.
I'm looking into getting a 500GB or a 1TB drive for the purpose, but I see a LOT of the reviews on Amazon saying the things give out quickly or die unexpectedly, (within as little as three months, or even within days… in between the time of copying some files and reformatting them) and that carries over a number of different brands. If it was just two or three reviews I'd write it off, but its quite a large number which makes me apprehensive.
We have one at my office and my experience with that is fine, but... the sheer number of potential dying reviews worries me. (Though I realize its the people who have problems that are most likely to make a review, and about 9/10 of the reviews are positive... but when there's something like 100 negative reviews out of a 1000, that's worrisome. What's the general experience here?
(I've also been similarly considering a 32 of 64 GB flash drive, but those have similar reviews... while the 8 and 16 GB ones seem to work fine for years.)