Now Toshinori Fukazawa has become the Series Director, together with Miyamoto.
To tell the truth I was just a bit upset, my pal. I understand we all love One Piece anime and want it to be better and better, but, well I don't know how to say.:sad:
That's an interesting change. Did that happen starting with 663?
And I know what you mean. I've stopped complaining in these threads for the most part, unless they do something really bad (such as giving more backstory to Hody, or making certain antagonists stronger than they should be). I changed my view more-so after Greg actually explained that the staff at Toei do care about the anime, and that the bad decisions are from those in charge of the company.
What people seem to want the most though, is consistency with the animation, art, and pacing (a very hard thing to keep up with a series forced by the company to be weekly and ongoing, instead of season by season).