Franky: Let's SUUUUPER get going already.
???: …
Franky vs Satori
Would the real winner please stand up?
Vote for Pagaya Everyone!
The real winner ftrw!!
ITT: We ruin Cabbage chance for the sake of old stale joke.
ITT: We ruin Cabbage chance for the sake of old stale joke.
I'm still kind of butt hurt about that D:
I like him more than Bartolomeo.. -
ITT: We ruin Cabbage chance for the sake of old stale joke.
I don't understand. The Cavendish-fall-asleep-and-change-personality thing can't be an old stale joke … it's only even happened once in the manga, and so recently. And surely everyone finds it hilarious.
Voting for the real winner. Hohoho?
So if we are using lame Satori jokes, does that mean we can use that terrible Ace image again? Because they're both as terrible as each other. Bring back Cavendish.
I don't understand. The Cavendish-fall-asleep-and-change-personality thing can't be an old stale joke … it's only even happened once in the manga, and so recently. And surely everyone finds it hilarious.
And if he had actually lost the poll? Would he have advanced?
And if he had actually lost the poll? Would he have advanced?
Nothing can be changed now… Sometimes it's better not to know
Voted for the real winer. Not sure why Satori is mentioned although…
Nothing can be changed now… Sometimes it's better not to know
I had a hope that Satori had a reference to his surprise ball challenge and was actually Cavendish now haha.You don't hafta answer my previous question, Mods!
You can't fool me this time AP Forums…MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:ninja:
So if we are using lame Satori jokes, does that mean we can use that terrible Ace image again?
No, because I never found Emo Ace funny but Satori is pure gold.
I love Franky. With Luffy, he's my favorite Strawhat. He's awesome, great design and he's a pervert like me. Sadly, I'm out of steam for campaigns. Maybe i will do something with nipple lights later….nah, no one wants to see my nipples.
… I don't even know what's going on anymore so... whatever... FOR CABBAGE-TORI!!
Hakuba FTW. 16 chars
Maybe the only way to stop Satori is to actually give him the most votes…
Vote for Franky, everyone!
No, because I never found Emo Ace funny but Satori is pure gold.
How is it pure gold though? A character losing his chance to go far in the tournament for a loophole doesn't seem hilarious to me… I must be the only one who doesn't get it.
Hakuba FTFW!!!!
Kick Franky's cybernetic ass, good sir! :D
How is it pure gold though? A character losing his chance to go far in the tournament for a loophole doesn't seem hilarious to me… I must be the only one who doesn't get it.
looks at poll
Wait, are you upset because Franky is losing? It's only poor luck he had to face the might of The Real Winner and lose his chance to go far.
Wow, this thing still exists!
looks at poll
Wait, are you upset because Franky is losing? It's only poor luck he had to face the might of The Real Winner and lose his chance to go far.
Not at all? More the fact that Cav got cheated out of his win. I wouldn't want Franky at all to win… Not a fan of past winners going too far.
Come on guys, vote for the Speedo.
I have some Franky POP in my house. Maybe tomorrow when i get back i'll be able to do something?
Not at all? More the fact that Cav got cheated out of his win. I wouldn't want Franky at all to win… Not a fan of past winners going too far.
I don't think I was obvious enough.
Look at the polls. It's extremely obvious things are going as well for the real winner as they would have gone otherwise. It's not a common sight to see Franky losing, you should soak it in instead of just assuming the worst immediately.
This is why we can't have fun things.
Vote Franky Guys.
Vote Franky Guys.
Is that a ball, a cabbage or a nipple light? :ninja:
Franky gets my vote
You can't stop the liiiights! (Also, man you get so much porn when googling Nipple lights)
Vote for the real winner! Or cabbage! Or Satori!
–- Update From New Post Merge ---
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most handsome of them all?
Remember, folks, a vote for The Real Winner is a vote for the greatest underdog of One Piece (or at least AP currently)– The man of beautiful depth…the man of many identities. Knockout. Psycho. Socialite. Knight. Monster. Star. Friend. Cabbage. The man who _rightfully s_hould've won Block D if not for the vicious fists of Plot Device Hell knocking him asleep…
who ceased his march to relevant glory for the sake of his fallen friend--
Considering such events, does he not at least deserve to be forgiven for being obscured underneath Satori's nightmarish prevalence?! If this doesn't stir anything from within you…well, Franky got 98 votes last round. Cav got 142. More than Bart, the unstoppable beast, himself. Who do you suppose has more potential? :ninja:
Well said, Ozae, well said.
The Real Winner really deserves to win this match. He's such a refreshing and hilarious character.
Not at all? More the fact that Cav got cheated out of his win. I wouldn't want Franky at all to win… Not a fan of past winners going too far.
lol and yet you voted for Franky. Or are you just one of those guys who disloyally votes for the underdog all the time?
LOL at Prismeru's campaigns. Good show, sir!
Cybrogs for the wins~
Franky the pervert has 69 votes!
! Hmm…I am fairly certain that Franky's fans saw his name and came to vote for him. Cavendish/Hakuba is absent from the apparent title, thus his hordes of supporters are mainly missing...or they believe that Satori genuinely is the one continuing. Considering the statistics, I genuinely believe that Cavendish would've otherwise won if his name, or Hakuba's, was apparent like it should've been. If only the original post was fixed to say so; this is a unbeautiful time for Caven to go down.
How Franky feels for Cabbage:
Vote for a man-robo who's in touch with his emotions-_robo_.
The Real Winner really deserves to win this match. He's such a refreshing and hilarious character.
lol and yet you voted for Franky. Or are you just one of those guys who disloyally votes for the underdog all the time?
Well I prefer Franky over Cavendish anyway… And defs over a terrible joke. That is why I voted for him. And if he wins, i probably wont vote for him... Unless he is against Sabo. Probably the only character more boring then Satori and Robin haha
Cabbage or Satori, either winning is cool with me.
Looks like Cavendish is losing because most people didn't get the joke.
Looks like Cavendish is losing because most people didn't get the joke.
Nah man. You understimate how Franky's Light has changed people. FOR THE GOOD!
I'm confused. Why is the real winner losing this battle?
how did Satori make it this far lol
I guess I should have read the thread first when I voted I genuinely thought Franky was against Satori when I voted. I would have voted for Franky over Cabbage anyway but it would have been a harder decision.
how did Satori make it this far lol
He didn't. It's Franky vs. Cavendish.
I knew Franky was popular, but I thought Cavendish had a lot more momentum than this. Huh.
He didn't? It's Franky vs. Cavendish.
I knew Franky was popular, but I thought Cavendish had a lot more momentum than this. Huh.
the problem is many didn't get the joke