Hi guys,
i suddenly have a question in my mind and it makes me want to make a thread about all the similar questions.
we know that zoro got lost all the time but when did we first see him got lost?
we know that luffy like meat but when did we first see him saying that he loves meat (not food in general)?
we know that there are a lot of devil fruits out there but when did the first time we see each of the types (paramecia, logia, zoan)? or even, when did the term paramecia logia zoan first mentioned?
we know about sea stone / kairoseki but when did we first see it or it being mentioned?
im sure you guys have similar questions like this and i thought maybe i should make a thread about it so that you guys can ask or answer the questions. it kinda like a treasure hunt because some of the answers can be pretty hard to find since we already got 750+ of chapters. so you can kinda treat this thread like some sort of a game.