I've seen bad and good for Atsuko Urameshi.
Sure she used yakuza threats to get Yusuke back in school. But remember when he was a coma, she let the trash pile up so much that he once was 'buried' in it when Keiko came to visit …and Yusuke's comatose body was in the apt alone and Atsuko was nowhere to be found. Luckily Keiko was there since an arsonist threw a flaming bottle in the room, she was able to get Yusuke's body out with some last minute help from Kazuma Kuwabara. If it wasn't for the two teens, Yusuke's body would have died before his spirit could reunite with it just because his mom left the body unattended.
On the plus side Atsuko isn't heartless, just absent-minded and drunk. She does love her son. The main problem with Atsuko was that she was a teen herself when she gave birth so she never really grew up and trying to cope by turning to the bottle.
Yu Yu Hakusho did have a great mom in it and the one I nominate as best mom=
Shiori Minamino - the mother who was able to raise a reborn demon from hateful to good and compassionate person
Her son, Shuichi was the reincarnation of a fox youkai… and a rather nasty one named Yoko Kurama. Of course Shiori didn't know this, only her son was strongly independent and aloof...okay in the first 5 years he was more than aloof, more like hateful.
When he was 5 and trying to reach in the top cupboard, he started fall with plates around. Shiori reacted quickly to try to catch or at least break is fall. This lead her to having scars on her forearms and beginning the changing of Kurama's outlook on the world.