I have a theory this is actually going to happen sometime in the near future. Think about the facts:
1. They sold well (which is what i heard anyway).
2. Al Kahn said, "I think they're competing with the T. V version." Now I know this sounds like crap, but what if it's true? What ifSoccer moms were actually buying these, mistaking them for the T. V. version, and then sueing 4kids/making their kids stop watching it on TV. So now that Shaman King is over and Yu-Gi-Oh! is very close to being over (especially if they cut the Egypt arc) how else will they make money? People have seen it so they won't watch it on TV and they might as well make money off the uncuts. This breaks the rule of, "what if they sue us?" because 4kids will win in court (THEY SAY UNCUT ON THEM!!!) and the TV version is over. By no means am I believing Kahn's words, but just this once they do make sense.
3. Why Waste Money? They've already been made:
Doesn't 4kids love money?
So say what you want (and please do I love response) but I think they're coming if not in the near future than in….............