Am I the only one who has gotten to the point of flat out not giving a damn what the gaming community as a whole thinks anymore? Especially in terms of fandom, it's gotten so fucking stupid I just wanna facepalm my brain from my skull. Case and point being a large (or just very vocal) portion of the community saying DmC and Tomb Raider are some of the worst games this year, calling them garbage, mainly because they changed a bit. And let's not get started on review scores and the sheer stupid levels of entitlement gamers have gotten and how they now blow the smallest bits of info waaay out of proportion, even if it's a rumor. Especially if it's a rumor.
I would really just block it out by this point, but I very much enjoy visiting gaming sites and forums to read so it's kinda impossible. I have pretty much abandoned reviews tho. I don't read them anymore and I don't even really glance at scores by this point either. Generally you can tell via word of mouth when a game is truly awful and when it's just people throwing a fit. You can tell the difference in the wind from Ride to Hell: Retribution vs. Batman: Arkham Origins for example. Bottom line is if I'm interested in playing a game, then I shall play it. Maybe not right off the bat, but eventually.