Damn, nigga, that shit is bananas! B-a-n-a-n-a-s! Anyway, look out, long post! Ahhh! Run, run! TOO LATE ITS IN! HAHAHAHAH!!1111
Stand still!
:rushes you with a swirled-fish branding iron:
kicks off Back off, I get no brands! It frightens the ladies! pose
I've seen you on LJ too. I'm toonmahavailo. Welcome to the forum, fellow Kuro fan ^^
Ah, cool~ Kuro-swan~<3 I'ma make him birthday cake this weekend. XD
Here hands bat doubt you'll need it but hey!
Yup, I'll put this to good use. stashes in pocket
Welcome, complicated-name-with-random-numbers, whom I shall henceforth call Gustav.
No. Gustav is too masculine.
Gunther it is.
Have fun, Gunther.
M'dear…. there is no name too manly for Pietro. Hell, Pietro is a man's name.. But, if you want manly, call me Jimmy. Jimmy the Cork.
lol bamf girl =] if you remmember me i'm Robin-chan form GJ
….....nope you don't remmember me, so anywayz - Yo !=]
Ah, of course I do, the little girl from Europe~ Good to see you. X3
That post made me giggle like a little girl. >w<
Welcome, little eggplant.
Oi. I'm a fully grown eggplant, thank you. XP