Dunno if anyone here miss playing the Outbreak games, or never got to experience it online, but recently modders have gotten the online play restored on their own server. The games went offline on New Years Eve 2007 in the US and in 2011 in Japan (the games never had online support in Europe). The modders did this by reverse engineering the Japanese servers, but weren't able to do the same for the US due largely in part to a middle-man service involved in the US online play. Unfortuntely what this means is this new server can only be accessed with Japanese copies of the games.
However this becomes less of an issue if you have a modded PS2 or use a PS2 emulator, there's even an English translation patch that can be applied to a Japanese copy of the games. I'll drop the necessary links below. I never got to experience these games in any capacity, so if anyone wants to fire this up and give it a go we can exchange appropriate data here. I assume anyone interested knows how to work PS2 emulators.
You can grab the ISOs from http://www.emuparadise.me/ the games are long since out of print and their system discontinued so I say it's fair game as there's no other way to get this game than to import a used Japanese copy, in which case no publisher gets a cent anyways. Just search Outbreak and be sure to grab the ones labled Japan.
This is the website for the English patch, the patch downloads are under Translation Progress and the program to patch the ISO as well as the instructions for it are under How to patch the game: http://resouttrans.blogspot.ca/
This is the forum behind the server, you're required to register on the forum as your forum login details are what you use to sign in to the server with. http://www.obsrv.org/index.php