Just curious about a general question, which part of the series do you prefer?
I love pre timeskip because of its simplicity. They weren't worrying about Yonko or the WG, they were just having fun back then and worrying about some boss of the island. But I also love the complexity post timeskip offers in the New World (which actually I feel began during Enies Lobby) and also new character designs like Franky and Usopp.
However, I'm gonna vote for Pre Timeskip because the anime. The anime was done a lot better before IMO. They had filler arcs but very little of the main story arcs felt like they had a lot of filler to me [except Alabasta and Davy Back of course. Skypiea I'm pretty sure had tons of filler but I enjoyed a lot of it]. Nowadays, the pacing is incredibly slower, with a small conversation taking about 9 minutes of screen time. The anime was my deciding factor. Plus it's nostalgic remembering them on the Merry. There were a lot of filler moments on Merry where you could see how close they were. Brings tears to mah eyes. Anyway, how about you guys?