It is announced but only for PC/Tablets/Smartphones
Breath of Fire 6 has been announced for PC/Tablet/Smartphones. Online touch RPG. Service starts in 2014.
It is announced but only for PC/Tablets/Smartphones
Breath of Fire 6 has been announced for PC/Tablet/Smartphones. Online touch RPG. Service starts in 2014.
I officially hate Capcom now…
Damn Dragon Quarter was that bad?
Nooooooooooooo, no, no this cannot be… whyyyyy!!! its like they have set themselves the goal of getting everybody angry.
i cannot belive this!! worst gaming news of the year for me...
Breath of Fire will remain a triology in my eyes, it seems.
What are the chances that they'll release it outside of japan?
This looks terrible, but I might give it a shot.
I've only ever played Breath of Fire 2 (which I loved). So I can't say I understand all the hate.
EDIT: Okay, if it's about needlessly turning it into an online RPG, I can understand that.
Maybe with this they'll let a Breath of Fire character into a cross over game now.
I've only ever played Breath of Fire 2 (which I loved). So I can't say I understand all the hate.
EDIT: Okay, if it's about needlessly turning it into an online RPG, I can understand that.
Baby bullshit korean f2p school of graphics design is probably the worst part. Nothing about this looks like BoF even. Dragon Quarter at least was batshit weird as an aesthetics/play package
Signs for this point to bargain bin garbage bin
Edit: btw it's obviously also a social rpg so yup
Though I changed the thread title, I entirely agree with its original sentiments. BOF3 is one of the greatest rpg's ever, and 2 is a fine game in its own right.
And now the franchise is dead.
Taken capcom 6 years to go from "capgod" to one of the most irrelevant gaming developers going. Even squenix took longer to do that!
Thanks making a useless thread.
Edit: On a side note, I might as well say I liked all the BoF titles. Except for 1 and 4. 1 mainly because it was an experimental attempt and mooching off the RPG genre and didn't seem it was planning to make sequels or series even. Four because it seemed like a safe RPG that didn't do much to push the traditional envelope like previous two games.
2, 3 and DQ were my teenshood.
It's a very useful thread
tells us capcom are done
It's sad that I can't even be angry anymore. Ever since Legends 3, I boarded the train and long crossed the boader without looking back.
Hey you guys wanted "breath" "of" "fire" "6" you never said you didn't want it to be a tile matching puzzle game! Checkmate
Capcom…you're making Square look subtle with a move like this.
What's up with these dumb moves of declaring these lesser version part of the main series.
Just say it's a spin off or something for f*** sakes.
First square makes the next big deus ex for tablets now this, normally I don't want things to fail because I kind of feel bad for the people involved but I can't say I want this trend to survive.
Please tell me this is a joke.
Fucking CAPCOM I swear to god. I leapt out of bed the moment Holy texts me:
And, at the bottom of the message,
"What the fuck"
It was a brief and brilliant dream. Why did I wake up? :(
I'll think I'll file 'Breath of Fire 6' with 'Sonic 4' and 'Star Wars Episode I' as "Isn't it a shame they never made these, right?".
May as well just get Breath of Fire III on PSP and replay that like I did last summer.
But capcom is my all-time favorite gaming company
They can't have gone bad can they?
Oh for fucks sakes, why would Capcom do this?
I could understand doing this if BoF had some brand recognition but it doesn't, its a long dormant b-list franchise with a small fanbase.
The only thing this can accomplish is pissing off that small fanbase.
I was so excited when I saw Breath of Fire 6 then I see how Capcom just said f*** you ios only. I swear I hate Capcom so f***ing much.
Breath of Fire will remain a triology in my eyes, it seems.
What do you have against BoF4?
Goddamit Capcom…...
You could at least re-release 1-4 on the PSN/e-Shop (Japan has 2 on the latter already)
What do you have against BoF4?
I suppose I am being a little unfair. I was just disappointed with it after BoF3. Okay, then, replace 'trilogy' with 'quadrilogy'.
This is what a browser touch game is so don't have much hope (we already didn't have but you get the idea).
I don't even know what to make of this. I just beat bof4 not too long ago and I would like to replay 3 soon. I have to admit, I got really excited for a second when I saw the title. For shame capcom. Hell, at least put bof3 on psn. 4 is up there, why the hell isnt 3?
What do you have against BoF4?
4 was pretty average. BOFIII was the highpoint of the series. I though V was going to be the lowpoint, but apparently not…
I don't even know what to make of this. I just beat bof4 not too long ago and I would like to replay 3 soon. I have to admit, I got really excited for a second when I saw the title. For shame capcom. Hell, at least put bof3 on psn. 4 is up there, why the hell isnt 3?
Because BoF4 was made on the playstation, while BoF 3 was made on the playstation, so obviously it would be harder to port.
You know, same reason Suikoden 2 never gets re-released.
4 was pretty average. BOFIII was the highpoint of the series. I though V was going to be the lowpoint, but apparently not…
1-Decent first outing in establishing the world
2-My personal favorite, I loved most of the characters, the variety of adventures, and the shaman system
3-the master/disciple system was great. Unfortunatley you inevitably ended up with the fast guy in front giving his speed to everyone, the hero by default, and the big strong guy in back and ignored the others (or at least I did).
4-I didn't get to play 4 until it was re-released to PSn, and by then it was probably 12 years too late. It just felt… dated... to me, I couldn't judge it fairly.
Dragon Quarter-Its obvious why it wasn't given a proper number, it was so different, but I really enjoyed the strategy and exploration... not a huge fan of the game punishing you for exploring though... and the near certainty that you'd have to replay it at least once to actually beat it.
Because BoF4 was made on the playstation, while BoF 3 was made on the playstation, so obviously it would be harder to port.
You know, same reason Suikoden 2 never gets re-released.
Didn't they recently port it to PSP?
I would say its unreasonable to omit a PSN release in the hope of the retail price version for a dead handheld selling instead
you know
Oh, my brothers are going to be so frustrated on this.
Seriously, what the heck.
Didn't they recently port it to PSP?
If by recently you mean 7 years ago. And only in Japan and Europe.
But capcom is my all-time favorite gaming company They can't have gone bad can they?
If it happened to Sega, SNK, & Square, What makes Capcom above it all.
I didn't even know there was a Bof5…
Oh for fucks sakes, why would Capcom do this? I could understand doing this if BoF had some brand recognition but it doesn't, its a long dormant b-list franchise with a small fanbase. The only thing this can accomplish is pissing off that small fanbase.
Which? the western fanbase that's apparently not getting it or the japanese fanbase that is.
I didn't even know there was a Bof5…
There's technically wasn't. Stateside anyway.
Dragon Quarter was a game that had a couple character designs reminiscent of the other games (blue haired dragon boy, blonde winged girl) but otherwise was SO different in terms of visuals, gameplay, game design, and just overall feel, that when it was released it the states it was branded with JUST the subtitle "Dragon Quarter" rather than "5". (The japanese had the number and the subtitle.)
3-the master/disciple system was great. Unfortunatley you inevitably ended up with the fast guy in front giving his speed to everyone, the hero by default, and the big strong guy in back and ignored the others (or at least I did).
Yeah, Rei/Ryu/Peco + chain formation remains the ultimate team. Nina was made useless since magic has a big drop off later in the game. Momo & Garr are pretty good.
What really makes the game for me was the story & characterisation, which were some of the best I've ever seen in an RPG.
Dragon Quarter-Its obvious why it wasn't given a proper number, it was so different, but I really enjoyed the strategy and exploration… not a huge fan of the game punishing you for exploring though... and the near certainty that you'd have to replay it at least once to actually beat it.
They did actually number it for the Japanese release, only the west got the number dropped. maybe they should have dropped the the "BOF" bit while they were at it…
If it happened to Sega, SNK, & Square, What makes Capcom above it all.
This hits way harder for me. Capcom was equal to Nintendo or Konami for me
One of them slipping is seriously bad news
Yeah, Rei/Ryu/Peco + chain formation remains the ultimate team. Nina was made useless since magic has a big drop off later in the game. Momo & Garr are pretty good.
Was it just me, or were the random spawn vampires (I think it was vampires) in the final chamber of the last dungeon harder than the actual last boss? I don't quite remember why… maybe its that they were fast and had paralyzing abilities or something...?
(Grandia 3 had really challlenging enemies in its final chamber too... that were actually really fun to fight because they had the same ability set as you.)
They did actually number it for the Japanese release, only the west got the number dropped. maybe they should have dropped the the "BOF" bit while they were at it…
Oh sure, quote me before my stealth edit.
Which? the western fanbase that's apparently not getting it or the japanese fanbase that is.
I was talking about the western fanbase, I have no clue how the game stands in Japan.
Was it just me, or were the random spawn vampires (I think it was vampires) in the final chamber of the last dungeon harder than the actual last boss? I don't quite remember why… maybe its that they were fast and had paralyzing abilities or something...?
A few of those final area enemies were properly tough. Made grinding Goo Kings there in the hope of getting a Goo King Sword either too frustrating or interesting enough to persevere with, depending on your playstyle.
Of course, the true top bosses were the rare tank robots and the rare wizards in the Container Yard…
This hits way harder for me. Capcom was equal to Nintendo or Konami for me One of them slipping is seriously bad news
I don't think none of them are doing too good between Konami's redundant reliance on MGS & Castlevania, Nintendo's initial & current issues with the 3DS & Wii U, and whatever the hell has been going on with Capcom the last 5-7 years.
Agreed with Robby on everything. The second game was my favorite because it made neat use of multiple races. The plot was also best of the series, even though it's not THAT great. It's just dark, griping and very sad at times.
The fifth game appealed to me for the strategy more than anything. The plot was really interesting too. It just could have gone a bit deeper with its lore.
Sort of like this:
I didn't mind the limiting dragon mechanic though. Everyone learns a needful array of skills enough that you'd almost never need your Dragon powers outside SOL Restore grinds(which goes by surprisingly quickly due to how (understandably due to plot) broken the dragon is). Unfortunately abusing the SOL Restore was not as punishing as the game made it out to me. Tougher enemies and stronger mobs wasn't very scaled properly with the rewards you get.
A few of those final area enemies were properly tough. Made grinding Goo Kings there in the hope of getting a Goo King Sword either too frustrating or interesting enough to persevere with, depending on your playstyle.
Of course, the true top bosses were the rare tank robots and the rare wizards in the Container Yard…
You know I got that like 9 years after owning the game? I played the game every once in a while for six hours every single year, grinding Goo Kings to convince myself that the Goo King Sword was not a myth or some dumb urban legend.
But yeah… Sometimes I feel Breath of Fire 3 would have done nicely with some post game content. Even if it meant going into a huge optional dungeon with recycled textures fighting stronger versions of bosses in the main game.
Yeah, Goo King sword was on par with beating balio & sunder at the hideout(which sadly wasn't true).
It ends up not even really being necessary too. If you give rei all the speed ups items and set him under a speed + master, chain formation makes even the container yard enemies a joke since you get ex turns for everyone.
I'll stand by Dragon Quarter being the best game technically titled Breath of Fire, but its just not fair to call it an entry in the series. But yes, it's an incredibly experimental RPG and about 95% of it is succesful and it's a goddamn great game and one of the best PS2 games and if you had a beef with it f u it was your fault and not its problem and everything in it was perfectly set up like a goddamn beautiful array of cogs sits on chair and taps knees with palms
BoF II wasn't my favorite regular entry, which was totally III, but BoFII had the best use of a great diverse cast by far.
If it makes you fell anything good breath of fireII is coming to the WiiU.
Yeah i know is still not enough to erase the bad thing today.
it is so sad they have such great IPs, but now they don't seem to know what to do with them…
You know I got that like 9 years after owning the game? I played the game every once in a while for six hours every single year, grinding Goo Kings to convince myself that the Goo King Sword was not a myth or some dumb urban legend.
But yeah… Sometimes I feel Breath of Fire 3 would have done nicely with some post game content. Even if it meant going into a huge optional dungeon with recycled textures fighting stronger versions of bosses in the main game.
Yeah, Goo King sword was on par with beating balio & sunder at the hideout(which sadly wasn't true).
It ends up not even really being necessary too. If you give rei all the speed ups items and set him under a speed + master, chain formation makes even the container yard enemies a joke since you get ex turns for everyone.
Yes…just not enough to do at the end, especially if you're the kind of player who does go for all the shiny extras. I didn't notice this when I played in my early teens but I did when I played through the game again (and was disappointed how easily I beat the final boss). When re-releasing BoF3 they could have added that extra dungeon, like with the Chrono Trigger DS release...or even perhaps a large, randomly generated address that. Perhaps just wishful thinking, given the way the series has kind of died out.
Of course, part of it is also that it's been well over a decade and games and my gaming abilities have both moved on a long way. Just sort of wish Capcom had done the same.