My dream is to work on Children's television and promote all forms of animation.(Be it western or anime).I want Children to smile and be happy!
Your goals in life.
My dream is to give knowledge and information to everyone who needs.
This seems pretty similar to another thread.
- Become a successful businessman
- Contribute to the world in a meaningful matter
- Go skydiving
- Climb Mt Everest
- Go to Antartica
- Travel to all continents
- Move to New York within 5 years time (from Australia)
- Get 10 more tattoos
- Have kids and an eternally loving woman
- Swim alongside a whale shark
I want to write the greatest story of all time.
I also want to finish reading One Piece. I figure when I'm done with both I'll be ready to go. -
My dream is to meet Jackie Chan and get him kung fu chopped by him.
To be happy.
to have No regrets
Yes, I just went there. -
To work with food
to get a real animation job working anywhere, Christ why is it so hard
Oh yeah also to learn to surf
Pirate king .
Pirate king .
I can top dat.
My goal is to be famous enough in something for the right reasons that I have a Wikipedia page. Well, not so much the page itself, but just the page as a sign that I'm notable in some way.
Guess I better work on my writing and stage shows, then.
My dream is to give knowledge and information to everyone who needs.
Sounds like you should try to get a job at Google, not a library. :P Yes I'm kidding. Libraries are awesome.
This seems pretty similar to another thread.
If you can find it, let me know. I didn't find a similar one immediately.
- Become a successful businessman
- Contribute to the world in a meaningful matter
- Go skydiving
- Climb Mt Everest
- Go to Antartica
- Travel to all continents
- Move to New York within 5 years time (from Australia)
- Get 10 more tattoos
- Have kids and an eternally loving woman
- Swim alongside a whale shark
Most of that sounds more like a random bucket list.
My dream is to meet Jackie Chan and get him kung fu chopped by him.
You should be on suicide watch!
To be happy.
Hard to find a better answer. Also hard to fulfill!
My goal is to be famous enough in something for the right reasons that I have a Wikipedia page. Well, not so much the page itself, but just the page as a sign that I'm notable in some way.
Guess I better work on my writing and stage shows, then.
Strange times we live in. In the past, some would have enormous monuments built in their name. Some would amass wealth and ensure family prominence and recognizability for generations to come. Some would make revolutionary discoveries and never be forgotten. Some would have cities named after them.
But today, today what really says you're influential, is your own Wiki article.
Sounds like you should try to get a job at Google, not a library. :P Yes I'm kidding. Libraries are awesome.
Well, I want to give the right information to people.
honestly tons of people have wiki articles and have no fame at all
you could probably just write a book or short film and then make your own article
Does high-fiving a penguin count?
I also can settle for walking around with a penguin in a backpack but that would be probably unintentionally cruel to the animal. -
I can top dat.
Oh yeah? Well I'm gonna be the… Bleach... Big... The Big Bleach ... Thing?
Happiness, Knowledge, Fullfilment, Pride, Perspective, Respect, Legacy, Trust.
honestly tons of people have wiki articles and have no fame at all
you could probably just write a book or short film and then make your own article
I'm trying to be realistic to begin wih.
As for my stage show, well, it's a cross between performance poetry and stand-up. Nobody really becomes famous doing that kind of thing. The book's a possibility though.
I mean, you've got to have the drive, and push yourself. If you sit around expecting it to happen to you, you're going to be disappointed.
Write a book. (Hopefully several.)
Direct a movie. (Hopefully several.)
Find love. (Hopefully sev- wait)
Get a dog.
I want to revist my old home, lay down under the bright starlit covered sky in the middle of night and then reflect on my childhood where I did the same exact thing.
I always looked at the stars as a kid and never really questioned them. Instead I admired their sheer beauty while never really knowing it was like this infinite beyond.I don't know why, but I'd like to experience that as an adult. Can't say I've been anywhere in America where the stars showed in plentiful amounts… They were either too hard to see or the sky just looked plain empty :/ I'm aware there are places I can go locally to see them clearly, but I'd like to relive this experience where it all started. Odd goal.
Aside that, I want to find success and pretty much make losers with no dreams/hobbies or real goals eat their words and be envious I found success. The latter isn't that important, but it would be great icing on a good cake.
I want to revist my old home, lay down under the bright starlit covered sky in the middle of night and then reflect on my childhood where I did the same exact thing.
I always looked at the stars as a kid and never really questioned them. Instead I admired their sheer beauty while never really knowing it was like this infinite beyond.I don't know why, but I'd like to experience that as an adult. Can't say I've been anywhere in America where the stars showed in plentiful amounts… They were either too hard to see or the sky just looked plain empty :/
you should try texas :)
one of the best places to go camping or boating at night <3 Any of the Midwest is pretty great for stargazing imo
Happiness, Knowledge, Fullfilment, Pride, Perspective, Respect, Legacy, Trust.
Sounds pretty good, i sign here
Aside that, I want to find success and pretty much make losers with no dreams/hobbies or real goals eat their words and be envious I found success. The latter isn't that important, but it would be great icing on a good cake.
I don´t quite understand this part, why would you care about people who do not have any dreams or goals? The logic completely escapes me, considering from your point of view, those guys should actually be pretty unlucky not to have any, unless of course you are talking about people who mock you for having one.
you should try texas :)
one of the best places to go camping or boating at night <3 Any of the Midwest is pretty great for stargazing imo
Lol@ the final clip in the video. Cute song.
I confess that I never went camping before. And I also admit that the idea of areas made specifically for stargazing sounds odd too, ahahah! (I lived in the mountains, so it all it took was climbing my own roof). Still sounds lovely though. Especially considering that I never been boating before. Sounds like a treat in the middle of night.
unless of course you are talking about people who mock you for having one.
Yeah, pretty much. Sorry I was not clear on that. I thought the "eat their words" bit implied I was speaking of those I'm personally affiliated with (the whole world mocked me? HOW!? WHY?! hahaha!)
You should be on suicide watch!
LOL! I'd happily die if I got to meet Jackie Chan and get him to do stunts with me.
I wanted to become an archaeologist. Now I honestly don't know. I'm wondering about that.
I made a big post here but then realized I was being a
so I just decided I'll link a bunch of motivational stuff here to help people ~achieve~!Nike: my better is better than your better
)ike: no excuses
)elf-pity (clicky):!
Glengarry Glen Ross speech by Alec Baldwin (if you watch any on this list, watch this one):
) If you like Cracked there's a well-written article about that speech that can give it some more context. woman with stage 4 cancer who likes to lift heavy things comments on facebook chain letter going around:!
As for my goals, they mostly revolve around this and being really good at whatever I do as long as it's productive.
Oh yeah? Well I'm gonna be the… Bleach... Big... The Big Bleach ... Thing?
Spread your things.
Become the Butterflaizen. -
Glengarry Glen Ross speech by Alec Baldwin (if you watch any on this list, watch this one):
Love that speech. I hate reading the youtube comments since they seem to miss the point entirely.
Spread your things.
Become the Butterflaizen.When I grow up, I want to be a principal or a butterflaizen.
"If I could die saying 'Life is beautiful', then nothing else matters." -The Godfather
My goal in life is to find a goal in life.
My goal is to be famous enough in something for the right reasons that I have a Wikipedia page. Well, not so much the page itself, but just the page as a sign that I'm notable in some way.
LOL, this is exactly what I think of when this question comes up.
As for my stage show, well, it's a cross between performance poetry and stand-up.
Hmm, having heard your little voice clip … things, I would probably go out of my way to see that!
-Live up to the purpose of life to the best I can
-Help and serve people from all walks of life all over the world
-Hajj in Mecca
-Memorize the Quran
-Be fluent in Arabic, Mandarin, Tagalog, Japanese
-Travel to Asian countries to do social work in said languages
-Attend Madinah University
-Become a scholar / amass enough knowledge to contribute something to the world
-Be an amazing wife and mother -
I know I may be coming across as REALLY pushy and or/ disrespectful of your privacy, but I think Muslim Woman are awesome! I wanna know more about you!
If you can find it, let me know. I didn't find a similar one immediately.
I was thinking of this one
Please dont close this thread Mr Mods! Its so nice!
It wouldn't be closed, they'd either leave this or merge it with that one. :)
I know I may be coming across as REALLY pushy and or/ disrespectful of your privacy, but I think Muslim Woman are awesome! I wanna know more about you!
Oh no not at all o.o feel free to ask me anything. You can PM me
I want to meet john cena
I want to revist my old home, lay down under the bright starlit covered sky in the middle of night and then reflect on my childhood where I did the same exact thing.
I always looked at the stars as a kid and never really questioned them. Instead I admired their sheer beauty while never really knowing it was like this infinite beyond.I don't know why, but I'd like to experience that as an adult. Can't say I've been anywhere in America where the stars showed in plentiful amounts… They were either too hard to see or the sky just looked plain empty :/ I'm aware there are places I can go locally to see them clearly, but I'd like to relive this experience where it all started. Odd goal.
This is so lovely :') I'm from Toronto, and if you drive like an hour up north to all the foresty small towns of Ontario, at night time it's like you're looking at the universe, it's unreal.
I know what you mean by wanting to relieve an experience. I want to relive the part of my life where I was at the height of tranquillity and peace from my voracious appetite of learning from books. I don't have that same drive anymore. -
I want to get a novel written. Or just write things in general, like a comic, short stories, etc.
I also have been (lightly) thinking of writing a musical based around an entire album of some band. Using the songs and fixing them slightly when needed, but adding in a whole plot and cast of characters and whatnot. Either that or just taking a bunch of songs and incorporating it into a story, sorta like Moulin Rouge. I honestly haven't given it a lot of serious thought and don't really aim for it to be a stage production, but I thought it could be really neat to write up. Plus,it's just something I want to do.
When I was younger (12-17 years old) I use to have the dream that I wanted to build a flying lawn mower, simply for the fact that I would probably be the only one in the world to say he owned a flying lawn mower. That, and trimming the hedges would be quicker. But now I've learned the impracticalities of it.
My goal is to be famous enough in something for the right reasons that I have a Wikipedia page. Well, not so much the page itself, but just the page as a sign that I'm notable in some way.
Weeeeell, there's the Arlong Park Wiki that hasn't been updated in forever! Gotta work your way up the ladder somewhere, right?
A big goal in life is to travel the world and see alot of the cultures of the world to get a better understanding of people. I've travelled extensively throughout Asia, am going to Europe later this year or next year but would love to go to South America.
Another goal is to mack 100 bitches. Only up to 14 atm :sad: