I went to Barnes and Noble today, because I've been sick and desperate to get out of the house and do something that required minimal physical activity. So, reading it is. Anyway, by luck I stumbled upon a Shonen Jump magazine without the wrapping, so I won't have to rip off the wrapping to read it and feel like a a snivelling little criminal. I see the Bo-bobo anime preview and note the following name thingamajigs:
Bo-bobo is the same
Don Patch is now Poppa Rocks (this is because Don Patchi is a pun on japanese pop rocks)
Beauty is the same
Tokoro Tennousuke is now JELLY JIGGLER (I tried to look it up online and apparently his name is a pun on petroliem jelly or something)
Heppokumaru is now GASSER (his name is also a pun on farting or something)
And Softon is still the same. Good thing he isn't Poopface or something.
The names sound dumb, but seem to be the English equivalents of the Japanese puns.
Anyone know when it premieres?