I would like to bring up something for consideration and thank you well in advance for reading through this post.
I've been debating bringing up a music subforum and I figured it's probably been asked about before. I assume if it has, in the past, the general thought is "would people use it and is it necessary?" These are questions that can quickly shut the idea down and I'd like to offer some defense, because I think at heart our first thought is that it seems like it would be the least discussed of all hypothetical Arlong Park media subforums and major forums (unless we count Knitting, which has a declining fanbase.) At first I was wondering if it would be a good subforum myself (I'm a music scholar by non-existent career and degree), because the thought has been on my mind for the past week. But seeing how easily we can get people to come to the General Music Thread when discussions are brought up made me realize there is a budding potential. There are several users who even cite music as their primary interest, such as myself. I thought about it some, but what do you guys think? Is there actual lasting value and room for it to come out?
Part of my thinking that maybe it could work is that we have a few threads that could be moved into it already, the idea that once it's there people will think of things to talk about too. We already have threads such as "Forced Listening", "General Music", even person threads such as "Zephos's Rock Journey", other obvious ideas like "What Are You Listening to". I know we could add in many other types as well, much broader than immediately apparent. There might be a lot of one-off topics, but I can also see the forum getting some serious life. Here are some hypothetical threads because I have a lot of time on my hands:
-"Talk New Music"
A type of thread that begs for a sticky. Just a general where we can discuss everything about the most recent of contemporary music, such as major music blogs, discoveries, big artists new and old for the year, which albums we have most been enjoying in 2012 and onwards.
"Music videos"
Self-explanatory, some people really love music videos. I'm not big into them actually, but I bet this could work, though there is potential to turn into never ending lists without discussion (which I am always a fan of encouraging). -
"I'm looking for more music like this thing I just heard let me show you"-
Depending on frequency, this could collapse into a single thread, or one could allow multiple types of this be made. -
"Who loves classic rock!?"
Threads like this are self explanatory and could result in quite a breadth of discussions, far more so than something as too general as "General Music" does currently. Making big threads for styles of music and generations are always relevant, especially when albums are reissued, or one is curious about what others think of a seminal work.
-And then of course any myriad number of threads devoted to one band, which could see days of discussion, minutes, hours, who knows what. Some stuff takes off well and can be fruitful. I guarantee you if this forum is made, a Beatles thread will follow and that alone can create lots of disagreements or talk.
-"Japanese bands"/"Indian bands"/"South african blues artists"
Self explanatory for the above few styles of threads.
-"What was your favorite album/Top 10 this year?"
Very popular discussions when the year is almost over, this is probably the biggest question on anyone's mind who is into contemporary music. Sharing top ten lists can be a great method of re-evaluation and discovery.
Now these are all some very obvious answers for what could go into the forum, but I think I've demonstrated that even the obvious ones could probably fill it up pretty well.
Now with a music forum would also come consideration for its own set of rules. A common element of music on the internet is sharing and depending on this site's policy on legalities such as this, it may be good to establish early on whether or not sharing albums on upload sites is okay during discussions.
But anyways, there's my idea. What do you guys think? The big question is, would this actually work out?