I call dibs on this thread.
Looks next gen. No confirmation of what consoles it's for, whether it's Wii U exclusive or not, but it looks amazing.
Edit: Apparently the game was being played on a PS3. I have no idea how they managed to do that.
I call dibs on this thread.
Looks next gen. No confirmation of what consoles it's for, whether it's Wii U exclusive or not, but it looks amazing.
Edit: Apparently the game was being played on a PS3. I have no idea how they managed to do that.
think it said it was played on a ps3.
also that QR code shown in game lead to a website posted in the article.
this game is insane
How the hell? Impressive.
I'm keeping an eye out on this one.
I have a hard time believing that was running on a PS3. I'm going to wait for other sources to confirm it.
–- Update From New Post Merge ---
Supposedly confirmed to be running on PC. See, HERE is what I mean by talking about specs all the time. This is what you're able to do. Yeah, the graphics are fantastic, but the entire citizen simulation and supposedly dynamic things that took place in the demo is what is possible. I can't wait for this game.
PS3, PC, Potato…it don't matter. The game will be mine.
Ubisoft's press site lists Watch Dogs for PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3, with a "to be confirmed" release date. That could just be placeholder platform information, though
So, uh, what was that you were saying earlier, Sakon?
though I am surprised it's not going to be for Wii U (at least as far as we know.) I figured the controller would be a great way to utlize some aspects of the game like being able to control the lights and look at cameras, etc.
Yes I saw that :ninja: . Lets wait and see what happens but if they really do get exactly what was shown to run on the PS3 and 360 I will fully admit my wrongness. I still have a hard time believing it could run on them.
Edit: And as for before. If the game was running on a PC, they would get the most powerful PC available to run it on as they wouldn't want anything to happen that would ruin their showcase. If you saw the demo of Medal of Honor (which I believe was also running on PC), it ran incredibly smooth. Did you see how choppy Watch Dogs was running? So if it was running on PC it must use a hell of a lot of resources for it to run like that on the most expensive setup money can buy. That's what led me to conclude it wouldn't work on the consoles.
And if they can't, or that is indeed just a place holder and ends up being PC/Wii U I will eat my crow. No point in talking smack if ya can't fess up when wrong.
I was just thinking, I wouldn't be mad if this ended up being a game like Hitman Blood Money. Where you're given a target and placed in a sandbox level with mostly pre scripted deaths but you have to gather information to find which places or things can be used to kill. Of course this game looks like it could have an incredibly large amount of choices per mission, even more than Blood Money. That's what I'm going to believe until we know for sure whether everything is dynamic or not.
This game looks awesome, and if that demo is anything like the game is going to be, I fear that my 2008 40 GB PS3 will get a visit from the yellow grim reaper :ninja:
Well I saw the traielr and it looks really interesting. Gonna buy it and of course The Last of Us.
So I've seen people pointing out how there's no indication of platform at the end of the trailer, while every other game that we know are coming out for this generation do have indications of the platforms they're being released for at the end. I really am hoping this is the first footage we have of next gen gameplay.
Completely overlooked that. It is looking stellar and has great gameplay from what I've seen. Not really all that innovative, but hey, it doesn't need to be as long as the setting is good. The multiplayer part is promising as long as it is done seamlessly like Journey or Dark Souls.
The breakthrough hit of E3 hands down. Where did it even come from?!
Now that's what I call a game. This has me sold with the crazy dynamic NPCs. Holy cow that's impressive.
I hope the story doesn't get to bogged down by the hacking thing.
"He's hacking our internet!"
"Quick, raise the fire walls!"
First interview
So the NPCs reaction to their phones/camera shutting off was AI. That's really nice. And they confirm that causing the accident isn't the only way to do that mission, which is also nice. It's a brand new engine. Not this year though :sad: .
Lovely. This was one of the things I really liked about the first Assassin's Creed but never really worked upon later installments.
Finding information about your target.
Learning details about your target's location that can help you.
Using the information in whichever way you see fit.
AC1 didn't do it greatly, but it had potential. Being a lauch title and all. I was just really disappointed to see that the later games evolved to more boring methods or takes when it came to main targets.
This game has alot of potential to be awesome. The main guy's backstory is a bit too generic and I'm hoping the bi-polar morality system makes sense, but his abilities are interesting to say the least. And here's hoping most of the main targets are memorable and well written(like AC1)
this game is gonna be on pc AND CONSOLES.
Dominic Guay: Obviously, you saw one specific example during the demo. You saw how we hacked into a conversation to find out that someone was coming. But another example… you might have noticed that one person was guilty of plagiarism. So maybe you can follow that person home, hack into his personal laptop, and actually find out that he’s doing it again, and blackmail him for money.
Another example is maybe you can find a guy’s bank account number. So maybe you decide you want to start slowly stealing from that bank account. With so much information available on computers now, we’re trying to support as many types of both honorable and dishonorable uses of information as you want.
Please be a good game please be a good game
New screenshot. Copy the url and go to it to see the full sized image.
Someone pointed out the "Rushmore for mayor" booth in the background, it reminds me of all the mayor stuff in Mirror's Edge or the small stories in the newspapers of Hitman Blood Money. I love games where stuff is constantly going on in the background.
Just been confirmed to be releasing in 2013, so so much for next-gen consoles.
Not likely but it could be a pc only release, with next year introducing the new consoles it could be a 2014 launch title.
I don't know I have a really hard time believing current consoles being able to deliver those graphics in a sandbox game.
But maybe I'm wrong MGS 5 has been hinted on the same level of technical ambition, given we know very little about both games and how often we'll see load screens and such.
It looks like PC lead. I just hope that the development doesn't get compromised because it has to run on this generation of consoles.
So, we got a new gameplay trailer from the PS4 announcement conference.
This is apparently a random event that plays out during free roam where an ex husband threatens his ex wife and Aiden intervenes to take him down. It also shows off a couple new cool things you can do, like stop and start trains and raise little street blocker pillar things.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's announced for the Wii U too. http://mynintendonews.com/2013/02/21/watch-dogs-now-confirmed-for-wii-u/#comment-442552
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's announced for the Wii U too. http://mynintendonews.com/2013/02/21/watch-dogs-now-confirmed-for-wii-u/#comment-442552
Unless Ubisoft pulls off some damn good programming it's going to look noticeably worse, the PS4 will most likely be the console version to get. I'd rather wait some years on getting the game until I get a PS4 than to play it earlier on a current console, gives more reason to get that new console.
Unless Ubisoft pulls off some damn good programming it's going to look noticeably worse, the PS4 will most likely be the console version to get. I'd rather wait some years on getting the game until I get a PS4 than to play it earlier on a current console, gives more reason to get that new console.
Honestly, given that it's on PS3 and 360 as well, I'm guessing the ps4 version will be the slightly better looking version rather than a huge leap and bound. Plus the Wii U version might add some gamepad gameplay mechanics, so it isn't really fair to say PS4 version will be vastly superior at this point
The game is clearly designed for next gen. If you've played Dead Rising on the Wii, devs aren't against releasing noticeably gimped versions on other platforms. I think the downsides to the current gen and to a lesser extent the WiiU version will be more than graphically.
Honestly, I think this game might be best on the Wii U. The Gamepad seems like it can add an incredible element to the game.
Everyone says that but for me I think the Wii-U Gamepad stands nothing but to interfere in your game. I hold it in the same regards as motion controls (Wiimote, Move, Kinect), the best way to control a game till this day is a basic button input controller. So when you say a poorer quality version of a game could potentially be the best simply cause it has a features for a huge gimmicky touchscreen controller I can't help but smirk. For the past two generations Nintendo has released a last-gen console based around a gimmick, they need to stop. I'm hoping next gen they finally get their heads out of the clouds. As it stands the Gamecube was their last truly great system.
As it stands the Gamecube was their last truly great system.
Really? I thought the SNES was the last truly great Nintendo system because since then, Nintendo hasn't really been on par with their competitors in terms of specs: N64 vs PSX? At least their "gimmicks" give them a certain edge to compensate for their poor specs. Also, I think it is not a bad idea to be acting "last gen" (specs-wise) while the PS4/Xbox plows on forward. It gives some developers a console to jump onto for the time being until they figure out the PS4/Xbox as well as procure enough funding to develop for it (at least this is what happened for Grasshopper back with No More Heroes).
Though, the same can be said for the NES/SNES vs Genesis/Add-ons/Saturn, but Sega sucked at marketing so who cares about that.
Basic Button Input Controller…...
which is what the Gamepad is? I think most people when they say they want Gamepad functuality they mean the ability to play the game on the Gamepad while they watch a DVD or the Missus watches X-Factor or while you poop or whatever.
Basic Button Input Controller…...
which is what the Gamepad is? I think most people when they say they want Gamepad functuality they mean the ability to play the game on the Gamepad while they watch a DVD or the Missus watches X-Factor or while you poop or whatever.
Then why not just get a handheld console? Nintendo has a pretty damn good one with an excellent line up of games. And if they want something nice and pretty…then just get a damn Vita (though there aren't really any games for it though).
If this is the reason why people bought the Wii U, then I'm not sure what to think about this demographic. Handhelds exist for these exact reasons.
It's not why people bought a Wii U. But hell it's an awesome feature that makes it more desirable than the bog standard versions of the game. Watch_Dogs wasn't even on my radar when I bought the console. But if I can have a version that is incredibly convienient on a console I already own then all the better for it.
The only way something like that would work well is if it's an exclusive game. Things like the Wii's remote or the WiiU's pad thing are an afterthought on a multiplatform game. They might be cool but they're still gimmicks added to the game at the last minute. The game is in development for 6 consoles, only one of which (that we've seen) has a screen on its controller so of course they're not going to focus effort on using it to its full potential. I at least would rather play with a standard input method (which the WiiU does have but it wasn't the focus of the console), not a controller with a giant screen in the middle because I can have menus or whatever on the screen.
I really don't see how the screen impacts your ability to use standard input methods. And menus on screen, and stuff like real time maps that are always there can be incredibly convenient. I don't get how people can complain about the Wii U controller when there is literally nothing a normal controller can do that it can't
People are saying it's an awesome feature to have stuff thrown as an afterthought onto the screen while the game itself is inferior to the other platforms. Don't really have any proof of anything besides my conjecture but all we're saying is that it is a gimmick and to say that the WiiU is the best version because of said gimmick despite the rest of the game being inferior (hypothetically) is really a matter of preference more than it being the "best" version. I have nothing against the WiiU controller, I've played Rayman on it and was pretty cool but almost no games besides exclusives are going to take advantage of it in any meaningful way. Same with the wiimote, same with the Move, same with the Kinect, which is why I don't understand why they keep throwing these things into their consoles when only a handful of games are going to use them in the first place.
People are saying it's an awesome feature to have stuff thrown as an afterthought onto the screen while the game itself is inferior to the other platforms. Don't really have any proof of anything besides my conjecture but all we're saying is that it is a gimmick and to say that the WiiU is the best version because of said gimmick despite the rest of the game being inferior (hypothetically) is really a matter of preference more than it being the "best" version. I have nothing against the WiiU controller, I've played Rayman on it and was pretty cool but almost no games besides exclusives are going to take advantage of it in any meaningful way. Same with the wiimote, same with the Move, same with the Kinect, which is why I don't understand why they keep throwing these things into their consoles when only a handful of games are going to use them in the first place.
I'm not really disagreeing with the fact that most developers won't take advantage of it. Which is honestly a shame in my opinion, because I think there is a lot of potential. I see pretty much any real cool uses of the Gamepad being done by Nintendo and indie developers. Publishers probably won't do much because they care more about making big profits than developing anything really cool or innovative. Not to say they can't do that on traditional consoles, but even if someone came up with an absolutely amazing game idea for Wii U, most publishers probably wouldn't care if they couldn't port it to multiplat
I like how this is an argument about 'best' version when we know pretty much nothing about any version XD People are just assuming the PS4 is the best version. When look at some of the Wii U versions. They weren't any better than the PS3/360 versions XD
Like I said. I'd rather have those features when looking at a game. Of course if half of the game is missing in that version they just won't get my money period XD
Anyone else noticed that there is a lot of assassin creed engine/tech in watch dogs?
Like the free running system.
That's honestly pretty smart, reusing systems that cost a lot of money and time to build in other games(well as long as it's done with nuance and elegance).
It's also very telling about how their building structure/engine is set up that such systems are able to to be taken in from other games.
Make me hopefull that the navy stuff of assassins creed 3 isn't dead either.
I can only imagine how much of a pain it would be for the studio to optimize the games usage of the Wii U controller (as cool/convenient as it would be). I'm not sure how much this game will sell on the wii u, but my bet is that this game will probably sell more on the Sony/Microsoft consoles (though I COULD be wrong since the factor of whether it will be also for PS3/360 and the cost of the new gen consoles will influence this outcome).
For the studio to script several scenes to coordinate with the particular functions of the wii u controller sounds like too much of a hassle when the rest of the consoles will not have this function. Most likely this will be developed for the other consoles in mind first prior to being developed for the wii u. I suspect only first party developers (within Nintendo or companies working for it) are going to bother with programming their games with the wii u's controller in mind.
In regards to the "best version", it probably all depends on which console they are actually designing the game for. It might end up like Bayonetta where it actually performed worse on the more PS3 rather than the 360 due to porting issues.
Everyone says that but for me I think the Wii-U Gamepad stands nothing but to interfere in your game. I hold it in the same regards as motion controls (Wiimote, Move, Kinect), the best way to control a game till this day is a basic button input controller. So when you say a poorer quality version of a game could potentially be the best simply cause it has a features for a huge gimmicky touchscreen controller I can't help but smirk. For the past two generations Nintendo has released a last-gen console based around a gimmick, they need to stop. I'm hoping next gen they finally get their heads out of the clouds. As it stands the Gamecube was their last truly great system.
Have you played much with the Wii U or have you only done the demos in stores, as it's really absolutely phenomenal, and it doesn't interfere with the game at all in any of the titles of played. It feels just like an extension, another dimension of gameplay. It's just like the bottom DS screen. I remember thinking it was the dumbest thing in the world when they first revealed it, but what it lead to in the way of gameplay was great.
If you want gimmicky go to the Kinect and the Move, and even the 3DS; the gamepad is anything but.
Speaking as an outsider on this debate who has no plans to purchase a Wii U at present… Given how I could barely read any of the UI notifications in that trailer on a laptop screen a foot away from my face, the possibility of having them blown-up on the game pad's screen for easy viewing would be a godsend.
I'm still sticking that it's developed for PC. All demos have been running on PC (yes, even the one at the PS4 conference) and while it could potentially be being developed for one of the next gen consoles, the 720 hasn't even been announced and the game isn't running on the PS4 yet (assuming the PS4 was even at the conference, in which case the only game shown running on it was Killzone). If it was being developed for PS4 I would imagine they would have something playable on the PS4.
I'm still sticking that it's developed for PC. All demos have been running on PC (yes, even the one at the PS4 conference) and while it could potentially be being developed for one of the next gen consoles, the 720 hasn't even been announced and the game isn't running on the PS4 yet (assuming the PS4 was even at the conference, in which case the only game shown running on it was Killzone). If it was being developed for PS4 I would imagine they would have something playable on the PS4.
Is that something to stick about? it seems fairly obvious that it is. With the PS4 being so similar to pc architecture it seems pretty much confirmed that it's developed for pc first. Porting down to the ps4 seems much easier(or rather generates less problems) than porting up to the pc.
Well the architecture is very close and almost identical so porting between them either way should be pretty simple. Which I'm happy about. I'm guessing the 720 will be an almost identical architecture so bad ports between the 3 of them should be pretty much nonexistant. The WiiU is closer to the 360's architecture though.
So technically it is possible that the Wii u's version might end up being the buggiest out of all of them due to the technical limitations and the fact that it is going to be ported (at least it is not being ported upwards…that would cause some really odd issues).