Random useless fruits
NAME: Wire-Wire Fruit
TYPE: Paramecia
POWER: The user can turn any part of his/her self into steel wire (btw, if bellamy can turn his parts into "steel" springs, then so can other fruits).
-Too powerful, whips (including kicking whips) and choking hazards ("piano" wire and a throat)…assassin anyone?
NAME: Bismuth-Bismuth Fruit
TYPE: Logia
POWER: The user can control, manipulate, become and generate pure Bismuth at will. -I changed it from Barium; didn't know what it is or does.
-Maybe for an Okama (new shichibukai perhaps!)
Name: Inu-Inu Fruit: Model Bishon (or Maltese)
Type: Zoan
Power: Can transform into Maltese or Bishon (a cute little fluffy white little doggie), Hybrid form, and his/her natual state.
Name: Rorrim-Rorrim Fruit
Type: Paramecia
Power: User can use some "Unique" Mirror abillitiy (reflection or barrier perhaps?); Mirror spelled backwards is Rorrim.