As you all know (or not yet know), Greg is going to participate in a One Piece Mania Battle on the Japanese TV show "Hoko x Tate", where he and two other hardcore fans are going to battle six of the One Piece editors!
The show runs today at 6:00 AM EST (or 19:00 pm Japanese time) on Fuji TV, make sure you watch it live on Keyhole TV!
And during this show, please show Hoko x Tate through twitter that there are many One Piece fans all over the world, who appreciate what they are doing!
Here is the message from Greg (it was his idea):
We're going to try and catch FujiTV's attention as fans of One Piece. As it turns out, Hoko x Tate's production team is deeply concerned about how well the show will do in the ratings. It's network policy to cover One Piece topics that ANYONE can enjoy or understand. That means they generally cover information that we already know way too well.
But this time is different. The program describes the trivia questions as 'hardcore fan' questions but I'd call them downright 'otaku-level'. If you watch the program, you WILL learn some new things about the production of the series, especially when I get to talk about it on the podcast.
So naturally the team is worried whether or not these kind of topics regarding One Piece will be able to hold the attention of the population of Japan.
We want to make tonight's Hoko Tate viral around the world. Let's show them not only Japan, but people AROUND THE WORLD want to see more of this in-depth One Piece coverage!!!
Tonight and ESPECIALLY during the episode (East Asian fan communities I'm looking at you!) send a Tweet with the following hashtags:
#ほこたてBoth of them are used by viewers in Japan and be sure to inlude both in your Tweet.
As far as what you write? That's up to you! But of course it would be GREAT if you could Tweet something in Japanese which is why I've prepared a list with translations if you'd like to choose!
DO-N!! One Piece fans around the globe are watching Hoko x Tate!「ほこたて」さん!もっとワンピマニアクイズをみたい!!!
Hoko x Tate! Please give us more hardcore fan quizzes!!!グレッグ!「ほこたて」でがんばれー!!!
Greg! Good luck on Hoko x Tate!「ほこた」て最高!ワンピ最高!!おだっち最高!!!
Hoko x Tate is awesome! One Piece is AWESOME!! ODACCHI IS AWESOOOME!!!ワンピースめちゃめちゃ好き!「ほこたて」マニアクイズでがんばれ、グレッグ!
I freakin' love One Piece! Good luck on the Hoko x Tate quiz Greg!世界のワンピファンが「ほこたて」のワンピマニアを応援してる!
Fans of One Piece around the world are rooting for the hardcore fan team on Hoko x Tate! XXXXX のみんなはワンピースが大好き!!
People in -country of choice- love One Piece! Please help spread this as fast and far as possible! If you can, please try to catch it live via Keyhole TV when it airs starting 6AM EST. Yes, it's very early. If it helps, the segment 'probably' won't start until 7AM EST or 7:30AM AT THE VERY LATEST.If you enjoyed the Werner Week After Dark podcast episode, I PROMISE you won't be left with dry eyes if you watch until the very end!**
Please twitter as much as you can!!! And spread the world, post this in every forum you know! Tell your friends to help out! Just make this as big as you can!