This is rather pathetic of me to be asking help about something like this, plus most of you are still school kids, but I figured for the few of you who aren't, I might be able to get some help.
In any case I am filling out an apartment application for myself and my partner…and I have three questions.
1. There is a section for "Bank and Credit References" prior to the "Co-Applicant Information" section. There are two spots for banks, and four spots for credit references. The credit reference secton looks like this:
CREDIT REFERENCE ____________________ Telephone_________________
Address______________________________ Account no.________________
How do I list my credit card? Do I give them the addy I send my payments to, and the 800 number I call when I need help?
2. Do I list any of partner's bank and credit information, or do I only put my own? There is no spot for his bank/credit info under co-applicant, but there is also no spot to differentiate between his and my banks/credit references.
3. My partner has a job lined up, but he cannot list the job as an official reference until he's had a two week training period. Which he can't do until he has moved into the area. We are going to list his current job which is in a different state. Should I attempt to explain this when I hand in the application, or wait until asked?