The episode was pretty good aside from stretching the segment with the kids. Seriously, if Toei does that this whole arc, this is going to be unbearable. It's just annoying how blatant they're being about stretching for time - I mean, you couldn't have added more humor in? showed some more action? anything actually interesting? Watching random shots of the room going greyscale for 5 minutes does not make for exciting television. Stop that.
Everything else was fine, though. Animation was decent, especially good for Sanji's scene toward the end. The action was nice, the humor was handled well (I chuckled once again at Robin imagining her and Luffy being carried by Usopp and Zoro), and I actually really liked the antics with the kids at the begining. It was a fun episode until they decided to milk the drama, but then they made up for it with Sanji's attack imo. It was also a nice touch actually showing Brook making snowmen before encountering the torso.
Glad to hear some new music as well, especially since it actually wasn't just taken from Film Z (though I hope we do hear some tracks from the movie used in the show at some point).