Well, expect retroactive typing of Chancey and Audino and the like if its the case.
It might also be a close cousin to normal in terms of strengths and weaknesses, just to help break up that very large family some.
long mathey-post
[hide]Normal-0 strengths, 1 weakness, 2 half damage, 0 resistances, 1 no affect
Fire-3 S, 3W, 4 H, 5R
Water- 3S, 2W, 3H, 4R
Elec-2S, 1W, 3H, 3R
Grass-3S, 5W, 7H, 4R,
Ice-4S,4W, 4H, 1R
Fight-5S, 2W, 4H, 3 R, 1NA,
Poison-1S, 2W, 4H, 4 R, 1NA
Ground-5S, 3W, 2H, 3R, 1NA
Fly-3S, 3W, 3H, 4R
Psychic-2S, 3W, 2H, 2R,1 NA
Bug-3S, 3W, 6H, 3R,
Rock-4S, 5W, 3H, 4R
Ghost-2S, 2W, 2H, 4R, 1NA
Dragon-1S, 2W, 1H, 4R,
Dark-2S, 2W, 3H, 2R
Steel-2S, 3W, 4H, 12R,
I'd have to assume if a new type was going to exist, it would be to help balance things out. Be weak to things that aren't strong against anything. like poison, or perhaps even normal, to give those types a little more usefulness. As for what it could be strong against? Well, normal and electric only have one weakness each, while water, fight, poison, ghost, dragon and dark only have two weaknesses each, so they'd be prime targets (dark/evil especially given the natural comparisons )
Poison currently only hurts ONE thing, so it's primed and ready to have something else be weak to it.
Grass and Rock have FIVE weaknesses each already, so I can't imagine them getting another, and in fact, a strength could do them good.
Grass is also the most screwed when it comes to things it can hurt with 7 things that only take half damage from it… Bug close behind at 6.
Steel is the king of resistences with 11, so it could stand to have another weakness. Ice is the other end of the spectrum, only ice itself does half damage to it. Normal has no resistences but an immunity to ghost.
Ghost is the only thing that has 2 things that it can't hurt at all.
Going pure math...
Strength and resistences are positive numbers, while weakness, half damage and no affect are negative....
If you want to calculate things they hit hard versus things that hit them hard... and what they hit for half and what hits them for half... that's mathable... but you could also go for things they hit hard versus things they hit soft and so on... and you'll get two different sets of numbers. It's easiest to just do an overall positive or negative. Are they resitant and hitting more than they're taking damage to?
(I realize that an offensively typed creature doesn't always care about its weaknesses and a tank doesn't always care about killing things, and poison is basically left to the poisoning/toxic effect rather than actual damage. There's cases like dragon or ghost where one of the only thing its strong at hitting is also the only thing it's weak to, itself... a full blown immunity to something should probably be worth more than a half damage resistence... and being resistant or strong against something rare like ice or dragon isn't helpful most of the time so should count for less... but in overall, this is how they stack up.)
Normal-0 strengths, 1 weakness, 2 half damage, 0 resistances, 1 no affect=-4 total
Overall strength/weaknesses to types
Normal -4
Fire +1
Water +2
Elec +1
Grass -5
Ice -3
Fight +1
Rock 0
Ghost +1
I was really surprised to realize Psychic is actually in the negatives… but that's mostly because Dark hurts it AND is immune to it, it's balanced at 0 otherwise. Steel with its 11 resistances and an immunity is waaay ahead with a +7 overall.
Normal, grass, ice, poison, bug are all getting screwed by not being able to hurt anything or being hurt by a lot of stuff.... those seem the most likely to have a positive result against a new type.
Water, dragon and steel are at the most advantage overall.
So, at a sheer statistical guess, I'd say maybe poison would be effective on fairy, and normal and grass either effective against it or strong against it, but at the very least, not hurt by it. And just due to the natural comparison, ghost, dark and maybe psychic would have some variety of synergy in there.