The thread title says it all: Have you ever cried (from being sad) over a video game? This can be from the unveiling of a video game trailer, or an event that took place in a video game itself? What games gave you such feelings? Simply curious (because I have).
Have you ever cried (from being sad) over a video game?
Video games would never make me cry out of sadness. I do cry when I play a masterpiece though. From that final fly to the mountain in Journey, to seeing how absolutely beautiful Monster Hunter Tri's world was(as soon as I dived into the water, saw the aqua life moving around all beautifully animated and shit, I could not believe I was playing a video game).
It's not that hard to make me cry in terms of storytelling (pathetic, I know).
[hide]Aeris' death in Final Fantasy VII
Lavitz death in Legend of Dragoon
Sniper Wolf's death in Metal Gear Solid
[/hide]That's about it. Otherwise, I've cried over pretty and happy moments like the endings to Final Fantasy 6 and 9.
Every time
every time
I'm going to ignore the (from being sad) part because I am a dumb idiot.
Final Fantasy XI doesn't make me -cry- but it does make me tear up from how deep of a journey that game is. If I recall memories from that game, it's very easy for me to get misty-eyed. Final Fantasy XI was like a second life and like a second chance to grow up from adolescent to adult. It was that deep to me (I'm of course meaning deep as in layered and not as in complicated).
Not knowing which way was left or right, or even how to move left or right, for hours upon being a noob. The days before I checked Game wikis for MMOs (they're all about "do this the fastest way possible!!!" now). I actually consciously avoid strategy guides and game wikis, now, even if something gets very tedious. Moving from sandy beaches to kill crabs to moving to intricate hollows of a giant tree to kill… more crabs (yet somehow feeling like my life was in peril, even though they were just crabs).
The music. I've already written up a fairly large post about the music of this game.
The unfathomable satisfaction upon reaching Level 75 and getting to participate in events where hordes of demons and a gigantic Shadow Lord, skeletal dragons, etc. are your enemies in a gigantic snowscape. The satisfaction of killing gods in the fucking sky. All complemented by, of course, beautiful music.
I did cry when Aeris died, funnily enough not on the first time but maybe the fourth or fifth time I played it. It's still a beautifully constructed scene.
[hide]Sniper Wolf's death in Metal Gear Solid[/hide]
Enclosure punches my heart in the stomach emotionally every time i hear it
! Also Naked Snake in front of the The Boss' grave.
i cried on how bad sonic games are lately. they get me so hyped up only to dissapoint!
Now that I think about it, I remember kinda tearing up at this one moment in Majora's Mask. It's a part where you a remove mummy's curse over this little girl's dad. It was bizarre because there was no real emotional buildup or character development. Just context clues for me as the player to figure out on my own. I mean all you had to do was sneak in the house, go into the basement, open a closet, witness the horror of a man that was halfly deformed into a mummy, and then play that song to break the curse. At first when I played the song, it sort of horrified me… I thought it would have killed him like it did with the Zora and Goron in the plot arcs beforehand, but he was saved. No one had to die, the girl hugged her dad who was a monster no longer, and... yeah. Great moment! Especially for characters I barely even knew, and how it tied togther all the context clues without much cutscenes or dialouge(like you had to assume the girl kept her dad in a closet either in fear somone would hurt him, or in fear that her own dad was going to hurt her out of his own will). And that is what I consider great game design! A game does not need to outright play strings with my emotions to make me tear up, and that's sort of the reason why I could never cry over character deaths like Aerith. To sappy.
I can't recall ever crying over some sad parts of video games, but some of them have moved me enough to feel great sorrow for sure.
But I do remember playing Poke'mon Blue for the first time when I was 6 and crying when I couldn't figure out how to leave the house. I was so excited for the game, and when I finally played it, I was stuck in this blasted house!
I teared up at the ending of Shadow of the Colossus. Such limited story-telling made such a grand story.
Otacon's entire life for the most part. Especially in the microwave hallway when Snake is just barely crawling along and Otacon can only watch from a screen. Just hearing him cheer you on and sob was heart-breaking. -
Every time
every time
I finished it while camping and had to sit in the tent for 5minsthe one saw the tears.
Other than that finishing xenoblade.chronicles after 100+ hours -
The end of The Walking Dead: The Game Episode 5. people who played it know what I am talking about
I remember back when I was about 7-10 the bad ending of Breath of Fire 2 made me cry.
I didn't know their was a good ending and It was the first time I saw anything end on a sad note. -
I get misty eyed over plenty of things in video game stories. However, those three things I mentioned, I fucking sobbed. The last of the three was probably the most painful. Not just because I felt bad for Otacon, but I felt just as bad for her.
Enclosure punches my heart in the stomach emotionally every time i hear it
Yep. That's the exact moment of the scene where I lost my shit.
Otacon's entire life for the most part. Especially in the microwave hallway when Snake is just barely crawling along and Otacon can only watch from a screen. Just hearing him cheer you on and sob was heart-breaking.
[hide]Between Wolf, Emma, and Naomi, Otacon has the worst fucking luck.
When they killed Naomi, I was like, "Really!?! That's why we put them together? We did it so Otacon could get another emotional stab in the heart? How has Otacon not killed himself yet??[/hide]
Yo being Otacon fucking sucks, I cried everytime for him.
Major Persona 3 spoilers:
! Shinjiro's and Chidori's death(this was even worse for me because Jumpei was my favorite character…..poor guy)
! The ending also made me sad but not enough to cry.Walking Dead Episode 3 and 5….....just fuck that game! FUCK THAT GAME!!!!!
Dangan Ronpa's(even worse because that is even a game I didn't play) chapter 2 and chapter 4 endings.
Oh and if we are counting pure Visual Novels by the ending of Muv-Luv Alternative I was a mess, and also the Normal Ending of Fate/Stay Night Heaven's Feel route(FUCK THAT ENDING!!!)
! King and His Men's deaths in Nier. Also Emil's. Was so glad it was revealed in a later play that he survived as a head. Although most of the bosses stories were sad. Especially the Robot and the kid
Its when it catches you unaware. Which is why I nothing'd FF7's emotional moment. Because even before I played the game I knew what was coming. And I just didn't care when it did.
One thing that oddly did tear me up was that bit at the start of the E3 Skyward Sword trailer in….um..2010 I think. Where you see Link on Epona, Majora's Mask etc. Was amazing. Speaking of which I also teared up when listening to the Zelda soundtrack that came with Skyward. Especially when I just couldn't figure out what the music was, then it built up, then the epic pause before BOOM. Dark World. And then it triggered in my mind of what it was and floods of awesome memories came back.
! Sword and Sworcery got me teary at the end even though I knew that it was coming.
! Also, it may sound strange, but the PS1 Medal of Honor: Underground game. First level, at the end. It didn't make me cry, but it's still a pretty heartbreaking moment. I think the music is the main cause though. -
! In Gears of War 3 when Dom dies to save the others I couldn't stop crying..It was truly amazing
! Also Assassin's Creed 3 made me cry my eyes out in the end of Connor's story
! And finally Halo 4 was really sad for me in the end and I nearly cried
The end of The Walking Dead: The Game Episode 5. people who played it know what I am talking about
That ending made me bawl my eyes out.
As far as Silent Hill goes, these made me cry pretty hard too.
Ending to Klonoa: door to phantomile. I finished it the first time while at my cousins, so I didn't know what was coming…fuck, keeping my cool was damn impossible
That fucking ending credits music afterwards…Gaaaaaaah! Just thinking about this makes me misty eyed.
--- Update From New Post Merge ---
Just a tip guys: if you just hide everything behind a spoiler, and don't write what you're spoilering, no ones going to read your posts because they wont know if its safe or not.
Beyond Good and Evil is still my favorite game by Michel Ancel since 2003 and I don't think that fact will ever change.
build up for this scene makes certain it breaks you down and then kicks you while you are bawling on the ground.Another game, also by Ubisoft, that made a deep impression on me, is Assassin's Creed series, and especially Altair's ending that comes to pass in Revelations.
could never argue that second AC is the better game, but the first one will always remain the best out of the whole franchise to me. And seeing how Altair's fate, intervined with Ezio's and Desmond's stories, comes to an end in such a way, was one of the most rewarding experiences of my gaming life. -
I've never cried out of sadness but I have cried from being aggrivated at a game.
A few games got me choked up. Some for sadness, some because they were just ending.
The only instance I remember is that I cried at the end of Professur Layton and the Lost Future.
Then again, I don't think it was because of the game itself. That day I probably would have cried at the drop of a hat. -
Final Fantasy VII's iconic scene got me when I was younger.
Final Fantasy V did too. But let's talk about the real tearjerkers.
Fucking Xenoblade tugs my heartstrings everytime. It hits you hard with the melancholy early on.
Dangan Ronpa is brilliant too. Like IceBorg said, the second and fourth chapters are water works.
As much as I hate Square Enix lately, (FF13 did nothing for me emotionally, even during Chapter 8 :) Crisis Core gutted me with its finale.
I never cried, but I remember that I almost cried over Professor Layton and the Lost Future's, Crisis Core's and more recently The Walking Dead's endings. I'm probably forgeting one or two moments, but that's it pretty much it.
The ending of Conker's Bad Fur Day was very melancholy for me, specially the music at the credits.
As for Otacon, he still has Sunny, and well Snake..
! Also Naked Snake in front of the The Boss' grave.
^This, the ending and the one for MGS4 nearly had me shedding manly tears
gets me everytime
i cried on how bad sonic games are lately. they get me so hyped up only to dissapoint!
God, shut up with that, Generations is actually pretty decent, and S4EP2 wasn't that bad. Sorry-ass excuse to post this shitty overused pic.
As for crying from a videogame, no. Being sad? Yes. Majora's Mask, RDR, Maria in GeOW2.
I figured no one played Generations or even talks about it, since no one really cares about the future of the franchise anymore. I never played a Sonic game. And never will play one, but it's always fun to watch the bickering that surrounds the series. I've never thought something based around adrenaline driven talking animals would produce so much hot blood and douchery.
Off the top of my head, I can easily say the ending of Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. That…..had me going.
And Rosalina's picture book story in Super Mario Galaxy. It's sad each time I view it. :(
For me there is no difference betwen games and books, movies or tv-shows - I just cry :'D
It's pretty easy to make me cry when I'm attached to a character/story…Another game, also by Ubisoft, that made a deep impression on me, is Assassin's Creed series, and especially Altair's ending that comes to pass in Revelations.
could never argue that second AC is the better game, but the first one will always remain the best out of the whole franchise to me. And seeing how Altair's fate, intervined with Ezio's and Desmond's stories, comes to an end in such a way, was one of the most rewarding experiences of my gaming life.I cried throughout the whole Revelations ending when I saw it for the first time… and I still cry when I watch Altair's end. Simply epic.
Hmm I don't remember clearly but probably the ending of Tales of Symphonia just because it was the longest I've ever played a game and I couldn't believe it was over… Also recently The Walking Dead. There might be more, I think I teared up at heavy rain...
The end of The Walking Dead: The Game Episode 5. people who played it know what I am talking about
I came here to post this.
Huh, I feel compared to everyone here I cry pretty easily. Couple of moments that I recall:
- E3 2010, when the Nintendo conference starts with the Zelda overture. Blew my mind and made me cry from the nostalgia overload.
- On that note, there are days in which the opening music of Brawl really gets to me, mostly because of the nostalgia from playing all those games that defined my childhood.
- The christmas chapter on Elite Beat Agents, mostly because of how unexpected it was.
- Okami ending, simply from the sheer beauty and from just how much I enjoyed the game.
I'm sure there were many more but they don't come to mind …
I don't know about crying, because I'm just not the type of person to really have tears flowing down my cheeks (sometimes sadly so), but I alway feel a profound sense of loneliness mostly after finishing jrpgs. There is something about spending time with these characters for hours upon hours and then seeing their story come to an end.
I figured no one played Generations or even talks about it, since no one really cares about the future of the franchise anymore. I never played a Sonic game. And never will play one, but it's always fun to watch the bickering that surrounds the series. I've never thought something based around adrenaline driven talking animals would produce so much hot blood and douchery.
A lot of members here were genuinely hyped for it and found it decent (some found it better than others, some found it ok, et.)
I have alreadt cried. Well not cried. More like shred a few tears. I can't say which series. Too many for sure.
I shed some tears when playing FFVII at Aeris death scene, not the scene itself, but the music really gets to me.
Not quite tears, but I always get [good] chills from this:
Now that I think about it, I remember kinda tearing up at this one moment in Majora's Mask. It's a part where you a remove mummy's curse over this little girl's dad. It was bizarre because there was no real emotional buildup or character development. Just context clues for me as the player to figure out on my own. I mean all you had to do was sneak in the house, go into the basement, open a closet, witness the horror of a man that was halfly deformed into a mummy, and then play that song to break the curse. At first when I played the song, it sort of horrified me… I thought it would have killed him like it did with the Zora and Goron in the plot arcs beforehand, but he was saved. No one had to die, the girl hugged her dad who was a monster no longer, and... yeah. Great moment! Especially for characters I barely even knew, and how it tied togther all the context clues without much cutscenes or dialouge(like you had to assume the girl kept her dad in a closet either in fear somone would hurt him, or in fear that her own dad was going to hurt her out of his own will). And that is what I consider great game design! A game does not need to outright play strings with my emotions to make me tear up, and that's sort of the reason why I could never cry over character deaths like Aerith. To sappy.
And of course, "We shall greet the morning… together."
MM is a fucking masterpiece. -
The end of The Walking Dead: The Game Episode 5. people who played it know what I am talking about
God yes.
Also, the Dead Island trailer. You know which one I'm talking about:
Still the best trailer I may have seen.
There were a few moments in Borderlands 2 that got me misty-eyed:
! Bloodwing's death and Angel's death, and Roland's death.
Blood's the most, as I mained Mordy in BL1Also the endings to Red Dead Redemption, and Arkham City put some tears in my eyes.
Only 6 things in gaming have made me teary-eyed/cry:
- The ending of The Walking Dead episode #5
- Parts throughout Planescape: Torment
- The ending of Mother 3
- The 'World Premier' trailer at the VGAs of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- Parts throughout Final Fantasy 6.
- Parts throughout Heavy Rain
FF9 spoilers
Huh, I feel compared to everyone here I cry pretty easily. Couple of moments that I recall:
- E3 2010, when the Nintendo conference starts with the Zelda overture. Blew my mind and made me cry from the nostalgia overload.
- On that note, there are days in which the opening music of Brawl really gets to me, mostly because of the nostalgia from playing all those games that defined my childhood.
- The christmas chapter on Elite Beat Agents, mostly because of how unexpected it was.
- Okami ending, simply from the sheer beauty and from just how much I enjoyed the game.
I'm sure there were many more but they don't come to mind …
I know exactly what you're talking about, and at first the Brawl intro actually made my eyes kind of watery too. It's like, from excitement and nostalgia or something. It has happened with multiple games. I do actually get emotional over media pretty easily, but I'm trying to think of cases where I've gotten at least misty-eyed from sadness and I can't think of any. I can think of moments in One Piece that made me cry from sadness but not in games apparently, despite all the tragic moments. I'm sure it has happened but nothing comes to mind.
No mentions of Mother 3? That game's ending is depressing. I usually have the emotional inertia of a boulder that just doesn't give a fuck, but the opening of the game and the ending are some of the most moving moments in game history.
Grim Fandango's ending was also a moment of that for me, though that was less from sadness, more from the mixture of emotions throughout the game culminating at once.
Not yet. But I am planning on buying classic game systems that have clunkered out on me in the past. The nostalgia will definitely get me
No mentions of Mother 3? That game's ending is depressing. I usually have the emotional inertia of a boulder that just doesn't give a fuck, but the opening of the game and the ending are some of the most moving moments in game history.
Uh several people have mentioned it already…
It was a sad ending but if you keep playing ALL the way through the ending it really lightens the mood back up XD
[hide]Unless you consider the fact that everyone you're talking to before the credits is dead and are in the 'afterlife'.[/hide]