The first time I ever saw the word "Salutations" used was in Charlotte's Web and I thought it was so stupid. But I wanted to be different, so I used it!
Hello everyone!
I have been lurking the chapter discussions thread for a while now, and I thought why not join in on the discussions and take part in a community of One Piece fans?
I've been a fan of One Piece for years now, and it is to this day the only ongoing manga I have stuck with. I read all of the big three, but One Piece is the only one that has really held my interest.
It is a thrilling and inspiring story! :D
Might be a bit redundant and obvious for me to say so, but I probably don't say it enough: I love One Piece!
My top favorite character has go to be Law. Soon as he showed up he shot up there without even needing to say a word. Literally, that first panel of him just sitting there, just oozing style and swagger.
I love all of the Strawhats, naturally. The monster trio rock and I freakin' adore Chopper. Smoker is best marine, and Tashigi's adorable, too.
Then again, I practically love all the characters in OP, or at least how they fit to the story. Probably to an unhealthy, unreasonable extent. I'm practically always riding the hype train Oda gets going when a new character appears. Maybe I'm easily amused, but no other manga amuses me as long and consistently as OP.
As you can probably tell, the current arc of the manga is a real treat for me. :P
It's part of what's got me motivated to discuss the chapters and the story in general! I look forward to chatting with fellow OP fans!