I want you guys to tel me what part of a certain game got your goat, or what made you so frustrated you wanted to pull your hair out…
Here's hardest of mine:
Sonic 3:
The carnival level seem easy, since there are so many shortcuts and secrets there, but there is one part in the second act that burned me up sooo much!!
That place where you get trapped, and you have that routating cilinder is in your way. I didn't know how to get out, so I figured that I'd have tails jump on it till it bounced high enough for me to get under. I got through a few times but usally I would run out of time and die before the next check point. I got through it but every time I play and go to that point I usauly died. That was about 5 years ago, so as I was playing Sonic Mega Collection, I got to that same point, but as I steeped onto the thing, I pressed up then down, and found that I could control the movement of the cilinder. I WAS SO PISSED, I almost threw my gamecube out my window.