I predict that a video game market crash like the one that happened in the early 80's will happen in the next 5-10 years but I have serious doubts that home consoles will ever recover.
There are currently so many console owners in the world, that even if all the current console manufacturers disappeared due to a crash, someone else will still end making a new console after, simply because there was such a large demand before. It may not become as big anymore, but it will still be there.
As long as people love gaming, gaming platforms will not die out even if there is a crash.
Also the crash on the 80’s turned out to be better for gamers and the industry.
Why? The fans. The consumer base has become so biased, hardheaded, and cheap that no matter what the industry tries to do it loses money and has to deal with pointless rage.
It always was biased, hard headed and cheap.
It’s just that now we have big megaphone to make everyone see how hard headed, biased and cheap we can be.
And that’s a good thing.
Between the HUGE loss of developer profits from piracy and the used game retail stores we will see even more companies file for bankruptcy just like THQ was forced to do.
We certainly will see more crashes. It’s silly to think that business’s wont fail and burn sometimes.
It sucks, but that’s the nature of running a business. There’s a risk on it.
I know many people are going to rage about how I fully blame the people who play video games for the entire industry crashing so let me point out a few things that will make it a bit clearer for you.
Industry crashing due to the lack of support from the consumer base is not the issue here, that’s just the result.
The issue is what made the consumer turn their backs on the first place.
If a company has a long-standing series and they decide to change it they will be met with scorn and nerdrage causing a loss in sales due to mass spamming of negative reviews (often before the game has even been released.). If they don't change anything they will be met with scorn and nerdrage causing a loss in sales due to mass spamming of negative reviews (often before the game has even been released.).
Games getting bad reviews and getting shit on buy fans don’t always result on lost sails.
Resident evil 6 was hated by critics and many fans for being different, but still sole 6 million copies, similar thing with Final Fantasy XIII.
Ea Sports basically releases the same set of games every year, get’s called out for it every year and the new FIFA is still the number one sold game on the UK every year…
The things they can get a way with are weird, but I still think that it’s good thing that we have the change to complain when we can (even if its stupid sometimes). It’s never a good thing to show these guys too much love. They get too cocky too easily and then they do stupid things like Final Fantasy XIV. Tough love is good for them.
If a company switches from making sequels of a long-running series to work on a new franchise they are met with scorn and nerdrage resulting in a loss of sales due to mass spamming of negative reviews (often before the game has even been released.) Again, the same thing happens if they do the exact opposite as well.
I cant really think of a occasion when game developers where absolutely hated on for making new games, but whatever… I take your word for it.
Because… well the thing is… we don’t live in a perfect world, you know?
When game company is spending time on one game, that is time taken away from another game they could also be working on, because they have limited resources and time. Sometimes that really gets to you and it really sucks.
It can make you really upset, when you have to wait so long for a sequel to game you like.
This isn’t really a problem with the gamers and developers, it’s more like a problem with gamers and reality…
or something…
I think you get the point.
God, I hope not.
If you truly want to get home console gaming around for years to come there are 3 things you will need to do:
1. Buy the next console you like
2. Buy games that you like for that console
3. Share your gaming with the people you like.
1. Stop condemning games before a demo is even released. A prime example of this is the DmC reboot. You picky-ass, snobish twats were raging about how "horrible" the game was BEFORE YOU EVEN HAD A FUCKING CHANCE TO PLAY IT ALL BECAUSE THEY CHANGED HOW THE MAIN CHARACTER LOOKED!
Never ever do that, even if sometimes that complaining gets a bit stupid.
Xbox One.
2. Stop pirating games. If you are so poor that you cannot afford to buy games then your broke ass should be out making money somehow instead of sitting in front of your tv/computer. Unfortunately many people fail to realize that playing video games is a L-U-X-U-R-Y and not a "god given right."
If youre so poor, that you cant afford games, then you were never a customer to begin with. Meaning, the developers could have never gotten money from you, cause there wasn't any. So does it really matter if you choose to pirate or not?
Gaming is a luxury, but something being a luxury does not translate to expensive.
Wine is a luxury. You can spend money on cheap wine for few dollars or on a expensive wine with hundreds of dollars. Same applies for games, there are cheap games and expensive ones.
Support what you love when you can and how you can. You can’t do anything else.
Side note: If piracy wasn't such a problem then developers wouldn't have to implement things like DRM into their games.
Nice argument. However it falls flat when you think about how little drm actually does.
Who really suffers from drm? Is it pirates or the paying customers?
Hint: not the pirates.
3. Stop buying used games. The developers see 0% percent of that money. The less money they make, the less money they can put towards new game development. The less money they can put towards new game development, the more likely it is they will simply stop making games in franchises that aren't selling well.
I agree with you… kinda.
Thing is, that used games was new ones. It has been bought and paid for and the developer got their money from it and the owner has to have their right to re-sell.
However games are quite weird with this “used” thing. What is used game and how is your experience different with it compared to a new one? How does coding on a disc come used? And how does it become different from a new copy?
There are lots of points against and for the used games market, but imho the important one is this:
Do you want give most of your support to the people who made the game, the people who sold it to you or just yourself?
Another note for this thing:
Nintendo has said that their game sales aren’t really affected by used games. Why? According to them its because they make good games that people want to keep and replay.
If only that was the case with all developers…
To end this on a rather painful but truthful note: Do you want to know the real reason why all those recent Megaman titles were cancelled? The market for them is dead. Yes, the few fans that remain are very (annoyingly and retardedly) vocal but compared to most of the other franchises Capcom has it is not worth wasting the money to make them since they will not sell enough copies. They would need at LEAST 2-2.5 million copies sold to make even a small amount of profit but they would be lucky to get just under a million mostly because many people would wait to buy it secondhand or would boycott it over some petty and minor change the developers implemented.
I can’t really speak for megaman, because it’s one of those weird titles that I have no experience with. Like none… I know… I suck….
I do have couple of points though.
Why do they have to make the game for 2.5 million fans that you say don’t exist? Why cant they make it smaller for that much smaller fandom that does exist? It doesn’t have to be gigantic game, if there is no market for it. Think your goals and budgets.
This is the real problem we have with gaming now days. Lot of developers/publishers want all their games to sell 6 million copies, because reasons, even when everyone can tell that it wont happen. If there is going to be a gaming crash, it’s going to happen to triple-a gaming. Luckily triple-a games don’t represent the whole gaming industry.
As for genre being dead… that’s bullshit.
Not so many years ago point and click adventure games were supposedly a dead genre. Then Telltale pops up, starts making point and click adventure games, eventually makes the walking dead and is rolling on cash, praise and game of the year prices.
There are no dead genres on gaming. Sometimes they disappear, but eventually they come back.
Also, genres don’t die because of one game is not getting made anymore. 2D platformers are still a thing. We just had a Mario game and Rayman is coming soon aswell, remember?
I want a wise opnion on this question: Was delaying Rayman Legends by turning into a multi-platform title a good financial idea? Could they at least release early for Wii U and then to the other consoles?
Not sure if wise, but still…
I cant think any reason what would have made it a bad idea.
It will now reach much bigger audience and maybe make more money. It still looks great and people are excited. It’s also getting new content. I don’t see downside there.
They probably could have released for the WiiU first and help it's sales, however they would have had a risk of upsetting gamers if one console gets the game before others. There are a lot more gamers that can get pissed on the 5 other consoles then there are on the WiiU.
Also ZombieU flopped. So they got scared.