It shall be directed by Jeff Wadlow. And Kick Ass, Hit Girl, and Red Mist will all return.
It shall be directed by Jeff Wadlow. And Kick Ass, Hit Girl, and Red Mist will all return.
Yeah, I'm so excited for the sequel!
The first one was so much fun, I can't wait for this one~
Maybe Red Mist won't be a pansy in this one…
If they follow the comic it's based off of, he won't be.
Ahh good then~ I liked his costume, but his character just didn't sit well with me for some reason…
I enjoyed the first well enough, but have found myself not thinking back on it well. I even passed on the bluray for $8. Hopefully I like this one more on the long run.
I really liked the first one so I am glad a second one will be produced.
Hit Girl was awesome, so I hope there's some badass action with her again.
The second comic was kinda disappointing… Hopefully the story does something beter with it.
I didn't see the movie, but I read the comic. While I mildy enjoyed it, it could have done without the crazy amount of graphic voilence. It turned me away from seeing the movie actually. I'm curious to know what happened after the first comic though. I never really followed it.
The movie wasn't as crazy violent as the comic (it was plenty violent, but not the same level as the comics)
The sequel comic is even more violent, but I wonder how closely the movie will follow it since there were quite a bit of inconsistencies between the first movie/comic. (Like KickAss revelaing his identity to the girl he likes only to get the shit kicked out of him by her black boyfriend vs. her falling madly in love him in the movie)
I'm fine with them taking liberties with the movie. While I understand the first comic was supposed to pretty much be a worst case scenario of "what-if somebody decided to be a superhero", some of those things such as Big Daddy's story and the girlfriend thing just made it god awful depressing. I think the movie handled it better by showing that it's still completely stupid to attempt to do those things, but you can still find positives in the negatives.
Please hollywood. Give me more Kick Ass and Scott Pilgrim type movies!!! PLEASE!
aquí está el trailer de la película~
Oh yeah, this looks like it will be even better than the comic.
Which is a very good thing.
Ahh good then~ I liked his costume, but his character just didn't sit well with me for some reason…
It's hard to take McLovin' seriously as a threat. He definitely played the whimpy boy trying to be like daddy role pretty well.
I never read the comics but I loved the movie. Hit Girl had some brutal fights.
Major spoilers for Kick Ass 2 (comic) below:
! From the looks of the trailer, it seems that they will do that scene where The Mother Fucker terrorizes Katie's neighborhood.
! Given that Katie falls in love with Kick Ass at the end of the first movie… I'm gonna guess the second movie will (hopefully) be tasteful and leave out The Mother Fucker indiscriminately killing her father then raping her in her bedroom with two of his henchmen.
! Yeah I read they are leaving out the rape and killing of children.
I didn't even realize that was Jim Carrey until his name came up. His performance could be interesting.
I can understand why these movies stray from the comics so much, the comic left a HORRIBLY bad taste in your mouth. I haven't read the second one yet, but I read what Red Mist does and it's pretty jacked up in general.
But honestly, to completely flip the tone of the comics into these is pretty amazing, and somehow they still nod to the comic itself.
They make the lie Big Daddy told Hit Girl reality, and the black cop who marries Big Daddy's ex-wife is the cop who tries to stop him.
Yeah from what I've heard of the comics they are just… brutal. I'm glad the movies seem to be more lighthearted and comedic. Also I still can't believe that's Jim Carrey, but I guess it makes sense due to him being a big character actor.
Holy shit, Aaron Johnson got fucking ripped:
you are right aaron johnson has got buffed fair play !
and Jim Carrey well he looks awesome for this.
big fan of the first cant wait for this one !
Thank you for that, i have to say i am a bit skeptical but i am gonna try and watch the movie with an open mind
She has a really unique face.
I'm so hyped for this movie.
When I watched the first trailer I also didn't noticed it was Jim Carrey until the name showed up. And Chloe will be a beautiful actress.
Well Jim Carrey has turned against the film now.
Well Jim Carrey has turned against the film now.
Oyyyyyyyy, Jim Carrey WHHYYYYYY?
Mark Millar's response:
Millar's response was well thought out. I have to wonder why Carrey chose this time to denounce the film though.
Ne'ertheless, I shall we waiting the sequel with anticipation. I've heard good about Carrey's performance, it doesn't bother me what the actor does in real life if the acting is good.
Does anyone think this might be just publicity stunt to get more buzz about the film?
Does anyone think this might be just publicity stunt to get more buzz about the film?
He's like this now due to Sandy Hook, I doubt anyone in their right mind would make a publicity stunt out of that.
Yes but why make the announcement now instead of closer to the events of Sandy Hook?
Extended NSFW Trailer
Looks like it's going to be better than the first (and the sequel comic, which is a big plus).
lol I've already seen people complain that if the Motherfucker doesn't rape people IT WONT BE TRUE TO THE SOURCE MATERIAL ARGHH
truly one of the worst movies I've ever seen
truly one of the worst movies I've ever seen
I hope you've never seen the first one or hates it if you did cuz if you have there's no way that statement could be true.
This movie I feel got the man of steel treatment. Yeah it wasn't great but it was certainly entertaining. Solid 5 or 6/10. Yet somehow it's at 26% or something on rotten tomatoes.
the first one was pretty enjoyable but this was just a total fucking trainwreck in every aspect. it just sucked all the charm out of the first film, took the dilapidated husk and raised it to the nth power
that 16 year old girl dirty dance and her terrible, generic plotline
all these totally unforgettable, unnecessary side characters (why did Jim Carrey need to be in this movie…?)
the exhausted, hackneyed humor and condemnable dialogue
that horrible horrible horrible rape scene where they used awkwardly tried to use sexual assault as a plot device
Kick-Ass basically being the most boring sack of shit possible
really fuck this movie to the depths of Hades
the first one was pretty enjoyable but this was just a total fucking trainwreck in every aspect. it just sucked all the charm out of the first film, took the dilapidated husk and raised it to the nth power
that 16 year old girl dirty dance and her terrible, generic plotline
all these totally unforgettable, unnecessary side characters (why did Jim Carrey need to be in this movie…?)
the exhausted, hackneyed humor and condemnable dialogue
that horrible horrible horrible rape scene where they used awkwardly tried to use sexual assault as a plot device
Kick-Ass basically being the most boring sack of shit possiblereally fuck this movie to the depths of Hades
I think you just need some time to calm down and look at it objectively. You are more upset than most big name superhero fanboys over a movie that was half good.
i'm not really upset at all. it was just a shitty movie, dude
i don't really see why you had to elicit a response from me if you were in turn going to bestow me with a "chill out bro :)"
I saw it. I was entertained. It was about as good as the first one imo which was cheesy and faulty but kept the jokes coming and the action pretty well choreographed.
i'm not really upset at all. it was just a shitty movie, dude
i don't really see why you had to elicit a response from me if you were in turn going to bestow me with a "chill out bro :)"
I felt it was worth noting since to be honest it was the most venomous review out of the 100 or so I've seen the last few days. I figured u had something worthwhile to add to the overall discussion so I attempted to bring it out of you. I'm not saying you need to chill out like you're going crazy or something it's just that the response you gave me wasn't worth debating. I genuinely feel like what I said is correct and down the line you'll feel differently towards this movie.
Was anyone else bothered by the extreme misogyny? Like how all the females in the movie other than hit-girl was the object of sexualism and violence?
I felt it was worth noting since to be honest it was the most venomous review out of the 100 or so I've seen the last few days. I figured u had something worthwhile to add to the overall discussion so I attempted to bring it out of you. I'm not saying you need to chill out like you're going crazy or something it's just that the response you gave me wasn't worth debating. I genuinely feel like what I said is correct and down the line you'll feel differently towards this movie.
probably because I'll begin to forget about it? also your review was basically "it was just ok! sort of like superman! 5/10!! rotten tomatoes!" That could only be considered a correct or sensitive review from the eyes of the most disconnected reviewer.
that 16 year old girl dirty dance and her terrible, generic plotline
all these totally unforgettable, unnecessary side characters (why did Jim Carrey need to be in this movie…?)
the exhausted, hackneyed humor and condemnable dialogue
that horrible horrible horrible rape scene where they used awkwardly tried to use sexual assault as a plot device
Kick-Ass basically being the most boring sack of shit possible
I don't see how my feelings toward these aspects will be mitigated in any significant way. That'll be the day when I'm musing on my bed, recalling Kick-Ass 2. "Ah! That utterly nondescript, lackluster main character, Kick-Ass! Rape being turned into a gag and a plot device for really shoddy character development! All those jokes I didn't laugh at and sometimes were so poorly conceived that it wasn't quite clear if they were jokes at all! Kick-Ass 2! Truly the pinnacle of modern cinema!"
I'll be more tame if I remember it in the future just because I'll have begun to forget it. It may begin to ascend from the pools of shit it swims in now to a gray mediocrity. I suppose you could see it as an average, fairly innocuous film if you ignore the rampant misogynistic & racist undertones and poor writing that are hidden under the glaze of "lol it's just a comic book movie B-)"
the first one was pretty enjoyable but this was just a total fucking trainwreck in every aspect. it just sucked all the charm out of the first film, took the dilapidated husk and raised it to the nth power
that 16 year old girl dirty dance and her terrible, generic plotline
all these totally unforgettable, unnecessary side characters (why did Jim Carrey need to be in this movie…?)
the exhausted, hackneyed humor and condemnable dialogue
that horrible horrible horrible rape scene where they used awkwardly tried to use sexual assault as a plot device
Kick-Ass basically being the most boring sack of shit possiblereally fuck this movie to the depths of Hades
They kept the rape scene?
Oh god, why?
They kept the rape scene?
Oh god, why?
There was no rape. There was "attempted rape" in the loosest sense of the word in the fact that someone went to a house with the intention of raping someone but they never actually touched the person.
Was anyone else bothered by the extreme misogyny? Like how all the females in the movie other than hit-girl was the object of sexualism and violence?
the three notable females where Hit Girl, Mother Russia, and Night Bitch. Aside from how Mother Russia was dressed she was pretty much the only competent bad guy and he was dressed like she worked for an idiot so that makes sense. Night Bitch obv got the shit kicked out of her but so did a lot of guys. I would say more guys were the target of violence in this movie by sheer number though and it's probably even on proportions like 2/3 of all the guys in the movie got beat up as opposed to 1/4 of the women cause there was that old lady who was on the good guys team. Obviously you're not even thinking about her though even though she is a female with a prominent supporting role. Is that ageist?
the three notable females where Hit Girl, Mother Russia, and Night Bitch. Aside from how Mother Russia was dressed she was pretty much the only competent bad guy and he was dressed like she worked for an idiot so that makes sense. Night Bitch obv got the shit kicked out of her but so did a lot of guys. I would say more guys were the target of violence in this movie by sheer number though and it's probably even on proportions like 2/3 of all the guys in the movie got beat up as opposed to 1/4 of the women cause there was that old lady who was on the good guys team. Obviously you're not even thinking about her though even though she is a female with a prominent supporting role. Is that ageist?
I'll let mother russia and 'random old lady' pass, but Night bitch, really? The character who served as nothing but the main character's 'love interest', and was the target of a rape that was played for laughs? Her lack of personality just tops it off. And yea, let's not get started on the 'popular girls group'.
My point is mainly against how women are portrayed, rather than who borne the brunt of the violence. A few women who weren't portrayed in a sexist manner doesn't make the film non-misogynic.
I'll let mother russia and 'random old lady' pass, but Night bitch, really? The character who served as nothing but the main character's 'love interest', and was the target of a rape that was played for laughs? Her lack of personality just tops it off. And yea, let's not get started on the 'popular girls group'.
My point is mainly against how women are portrayed, rather than who borne the brunt of the violence. A few women who weren't portrayed in a sexist manner doesn't make the film non-misogynic.
I feel like that's not a problem that's specific to this movie. Maybe it's just me but i find the mandatory female love interest that is present in every single superhero movie to be just as offensive as Night Bitch. They all serve the same purpose for the hero and the hetero male audience. They all have 0 personality. They all find themselves in a compromising position that the hero has to avenge or rescue them from. Whatever compromising position that is depend on the comic, in this case it's a violent comedy. I feel like rape is stuck between the people who don't think anything of so they don't really get it and the people who think too much of it so they think it's off limits and they're both wrong. In this case it was only attempted rape that ended in a joke that ended in a beat down. And you can find that popular girl sterotype in EVERY teen movie that ever existed ever.
At the end of the day movie isn't breaking new grounds in any subject. Not comedy. Not violence. Not misogyny. It's not even registering when you look at all the stuff hollywood puts out over all.