Is this the end? The climax? I don't understand. I don't feel anything.
Food Wars - It's In the Trash
So, if they are bringing the big guns, that means that this is it? This is the final dish of the series?
Erina be like "This is even my final form!"
The whole chapter was brilliant on so many levels that I can't seem to pick which was the best part. The amount of callbacks was also notorious.
Erina is best girl, and Soma is best boi, because the once cold and arrogant queen has taken in all of his character traits and is now enjoying cooking meals like she had never done before.
Best chapter of the series. Period
It kinda does feel like a final arc. How strange.
Peanut butter squid!!! That's definitely a sweet callback. So, what's gonna be the final level of Erina-Sama's specialty? I don't think it will be another callback to Soma, instead maybe to Hisako or her grandfather? Or simply something she came up with by her own?
I think that the whole "make squid and peanut butter work" comes from Erina herself. She planted the idea on Yoshiro (?) Mr Yukihira, and he passed it down to Soma.
Maybe some weird child idea that Azami shut down as stupid back way then.
I had a weird dream where Azami wasn't accepting the victory and Yoshiro had to come out with a gun to make him calm down and admit defeat.
Peanut butter squid!!! That's definitely a sweet callback. So, what's gonna be the final level of Erina-Sama's specialty? I don't think it will be another callback to Soma, instead maybe to Hisako or her grandfather? Or simply something she came up with by her own?
was thinking about something alice related actually
I'm hoping next chapter has a two page spread of Azami tasting the dish and causing the entire stadium to strip with his burst
I think that the whole "make squid and peanut butter work" comes from Erina herself. She planted the idea on Yoshiro (?) Mr Yukihira, and he passed it down to Soma.
Actually, in the previous chapter Soma was arguin with her for that reason, because he wanted to use his disgusting creation in the main dish.
Erina just took these ingredients. Soma challenged her to prove she's better than him, what better ay to do that than by turning his trademark awful combination into a mind-blowing delicious meal.
This series has many mistakes, in terms or storytelling (to me very poor worldbuilding resulting in an unbelievable strategy of the antagonist to threaten the MC's world resulting in a very lame and boring antagonist (the worst I've read ever)…). That aside, these chapters and likely the next one are really good at making the most of the material the story has been thrown by now:
Erina is
(1) beating Tsukasa and Rindou, because she and Soma is winning the constest, (little plot line about the elite ten)
(2) beating Azami's idoeology about gourmet cooking, because she's winning with a low profile dish to a true gourmet dish (big plot line)
(3) then, she's beating Azami (as a father), because in making her the winner he's adknowledging she's beyond his tutoring and ideas about what is better for her to live (another big plot line). Oyakobon means 'parent and child bowl rice dish', as a reference to Erina and Azami interaction the story has told
and (4) she's beating soma in making a peanut butter squid dish way much better than what he has done (plot line about Erina and Soma).The initial premisa about Soma and Erina interaction was Youchiro's advice: "Meet a woman that will make you want to give all the food to her" (ch 1). Now Erina can claim she has find a guy who maked her to want to shut him up but also to find her specialties and true potential as a cook. Not the route you would tell from the premise but just a charming way that suits both of them as MCs of the story. Also, you would tell from the beginning Erika was going to be the tipical tsundere but on the countrary she's a grown woman making a place for her with her own hands... and with out falling in love (at least it's not evident and, to me, the story doesn't need to go that way to finish).
So beyond the many mistakes, I'm happy with this end.
Well, I'm bummed for Megumi, and to a lesser extent Nikumi. I was in denial, but the smile of this chapter seals it.
Erina is serving grilled peanut butter squid? There's no way they will lose now….is what I like to think.
BUT...I'm getting dejavu vibe to the AE final, Megumi & Soma vs Shinomiya and the very recent Megumi vs Momo.
! The reason why I'm thinking that is due to Rindou. The author has deliberately point out that Rindou is afraid of something through Takumi & the 3rd seat dude. She denies it. In this current bout, it has not been addressed yet. We got a mini flashback at the start but it's from Tsukasa POV. Nothing from Rindou's POV. We don't know what she is thinking.
! Tsukasa is probably the reason why she is supporting Azami. She is most likely afraid of Azami's influence on Tsukasa but it has not been confirmed yet…
! The author's tweet about Rindou being important(She also get quite substantial amount of panel time despite doing nothing), the whole betsubara with Tsukasa & Rindou, the final bout being a 2-course meal (Where's the dessert??) are why I'm thinking along the line.
! The author is deliberately holding back on Rindou's backstory. The one we got from the earlier bout was more about her skills as a chef. It's nothing really personal. (Delivering backstory is one of the author better storytelling so I don't think he has forgotten about Rindou's one. I actually thought he forgotten Momo's one but he show it later on in Erina vs Momo)
! I feel like he is setting up an finale of Rindou vs Tsukasa where Rindou will bet her seat to change Tsukasa's mind regarding Azami.
! (There were so many speculations that Rindou will turn coat as she isn't fully loyal to Azami. There's no way the author isn't aware of this...) -
Erina is serving grilled peanut butter squid? There's no way they will lose now….is what I like to think.
BUT...I'm getting dejavu vibe to the AE final, Megumi & Soma vs Shinomiya and the very recent Megumi vs Momo.
! The reason why I'm thinking that is due to Rindou. The author has deliberately point out that Rindou is afraid of something through Takumi & the 3rd seat dude. She denies it. In this current bout, it has not been addressed yet. We got a mini flashback at the start but it's from Tsukasa POV. Nothing from Rindou's POV. We don't know what she is thinking.
! Tsukasa is probably the reason why she is supporting Azami. She is most likely afraid of Azami's influence on Tsukasa but it has not been confirmed yet…
! The author's tweet about Rindou being important(She also get quite substantial amount of panel time despite doing nothing), the whole betsubara with Tsukasa & Rindou, the final bout being a 2-course meal (Where's the dessert??) are why I'm thinking along the line.
! The author is deliberately holding back on Rindou's backstory. The one we got from the earlier bout was more about her skills as a chef. It's nothing really personal. (Delivering backstory is one of the author better storytelling so I don't think he has forgotten about Rindou's one. I actually thought he forgotten Momo's one but he show it later on in Erina vs Momo)
! I feel like he is setting up an finale of Rindou vs Tsukasa where Rindou will bet her seat to change Tsukasa's mind regarding Azami.
! (There were so many speculations that Rindou will turn coat as she isn't fully loyal to Azami. There's no way the author isn't aware of this...)It's possible we won't have another arc after this. For example if Azami doesn't want to adknowledge the patent Erina & Soma superior combination of dishes over Tsukaza and Rindou's, and the remaining elite ten decide to support Erina against a reluctant and arbitrary Azami. It's like creating a motive of departure between the elite ten and Azami. This page gave me the feeling that could happen: all of them kind of blame Soma for apparently not making a team-play with Erina. But here Rindou's hesitation also falls in the right place ni that scenario… Maybe all of them are going to retire their support to Azami in this very (final) arc.
I'm addicted to frozen pasta. It's cheap, easy and delicious!This cracked me up.
chapter's me or azami doesn't make any goddamn sense?
He doesn't make any sense.
He never made sense.
i know, but the revelation in this chapter made him make even less sense than before
I can think of something out of his words, but i have no interest to discuss it.
But i bet those sounds are actually Azami's 'bestowing' ( most weird thing in this manga) which resulted people outside having lost their clothes.:happy: -
Saiba is a great chef! And he was too great. He kept wanting to make great dishes better! And too many people wanted him because he was so great. So He moved away from the spotlight, and now he's even greater but serving fewer people.
So anyone following his lead is trash.
I can think of something out of his words, but i have no interest to discuss it.
But i bet those sounds are actually Azami's 'bestowing' ( most weird thing in this manga) which resulted people outside having lost their clothes.:happy:Now that you mention it, I fully expect that to be the case.
Saiba is a great chef! And he was too great. He kept wanting to make great dishes better! And too many people wanted him because he was so great. So He moved away from the spotlight, and now he's even greater but serving fewer people.
So anyone following his lead is trash.
The enemy of good is better, as they say.
Therefore, I will set an arbitrary bar for good based on this one stupid kid who's inferior to my senpai.
Is it over yet?
Did Erina become the main character?
Erima's theme is "making Soma's dishes, but better"
did erina's dish cause Azami to fart super hard/shit his pants
i cant think of what else the booming noise could have been -
It's the sound of Azami causing the entire stadium to burst from the taste. Next chapter is gonna be double page spreads of a naked stadium.
Like: "I knew your secret alergy of Peanut butter with a certain specific jello and senbei cracker type, but I already asegured the votes of the other two judges, before sending you to the shadow realm! The coldest bathroom of hokaido!!"
Basically Souma's father was crushed under the pressure of trying to tame the wilds of cooking, and a brilliant chef was lost. So Aizen wants to "save" everyone by creating one true path of cooking so no other chefs are lost to the harshness of creativity.
Not saying it makes sense, but that's what I'm getting out this
We've come full circle.
From implementing Soma's horrendous mix and make it delicious, to adding the finishing touch with the cube topping.
And just as the old Erina refused to admit how superb Soma's dish was back then, Azami was going to do the exact same… but his body talked first before he could give his verdict.
Honestly, if it weren't for all the foreshadowing of the upcoming events, I wouldn't mind if the series ended there. This climax is so good I think the author is going to have a hard time topping this.
Basically Souma's father was crushed under the pressure of trying to tame the wilds of cooking, and a brilliant chef was lost. So Aizen wants to "save" everyone by creating one true path of cooking so no other chefs are lost to the harshness of creativity.
Not saying it makes sense, but that's what I'm getting out this
we get what he wants to do..but like you said, he makes no sense.
it doesn't make sense that his "central" guys are still able to experiment with cooking if his plan is too prevent chefs to do exactly that..none of the central guys are following his directions or any like fact the entire point of being in the elite ten is to have indiscriminate access to resources, ingredients and money to experiment and expand your cooking.
neither make sense his adversion against anything "not true gourmet",the existence to lesser chefs was not the problem that led to the burnout of souma's father…he already had crushed all the opposition..he was just creating for the passion of creating.
You are putting more effort into thinking about his plans more than the writers ever did.
Just accept that its a shitty plot device and move on.
It doesn't need to make sense anyway. Many people IRL do stuff that is opposite to what they claim they intend to.
Azami is more of the same. He's the one that taught Erina all the stuff that made her insurmountable to many readers at the beggining, so this behavior her father exhibits now doesn't come off as surprising.
It's still lazy and garbage regardless of whichever way you want to slice it.
Azami is just a metaphor for most readers where they deny how good the climax is even though it's actually beyond perfection
The climax is so good that it's wasted on everyone except Nekketsu
I don't think the plot necessarily needs to make sense, people. Like with FT. If you don't get that, why bother with this manga at all? :D
When Azami can magically make clothes disappears because he liked the taste of food, then why bother with logic anyway?
Or how the food itself makes people have orgasms due to its deliciousness. I've eaten many kinds of tasty food in my life, and I've never come close to the point of falling on my back and almost lose consciousness. It's fiction, take it as you wish.
Oh yeah, how stupid could have I been. I forgot that in fiction, you can write literally anything and it's a good story because it's fake and so nothing matters. Got it.
Oh yeah, how stupid could have I been. I forgot that in fiction, you can write literally anything and it's a good story because it's fake and so nothing matters. Got it.
^ The funny thing is that THIS shit is actually real and debated in many anime online sites.
I guess we are not going to agree no matter what.
Back to what matters. These screams in the background, hmm… sounds like an entire crowd of people got stripped off their clothes.
I'll repeat myself.
I don't buy Azami's claim to be able to close every "fooder restaurant" and how he will now just make people eat out less?
Yes, food is important, and just revoking licenses would impact the economy and so forth, but he's lashing out at seemingly random, at the inovators because the competition burned out his dear senpai, and to the dinners, because that's what his dear senpai ended working on, and also the color blue because that's the test that senpai didn't manage to take? But then he has the oportunity to take over Soichiro's life, and it will be to enhact his true gourmet vision, even tho it would make senpai very very unhappy, so does he care? doesn't he care? he cares in a self serving way?
Azami ate the fun out of the series, and then proceded to talk shit about it, calling it insipid and basè.
Here's an original story by yours truly:
Once there was this guy. And like he has a knife. The knife is big. Then a dude with a horse head comes out of nowhere and he's evil and is turning the world to jelly. Our main guy - his name is Tim, by the way - he lost his family in the war. The magic war. Horse dude did the war at his family and now he's impaling Tim with his sharp leg. Meanwhile, there's some naked girls on the side with boobs. Remember them, they'll be important later. So anyways, Tim raises his hand to the sky and summons a golden chimpanzee that bites off horse guy's torso and wins. The naked ladies are still there, boobs flapping about. Tim wins. The end.
Maybe you just don't get it, and think it's inconsistent, you may not like the characters or think they're underdeveloped, you may think the fanservice is pointless. Feh, shows what you know, losers. It's called FICTION, so none of it is real and thus all of its flaws are fake. You'd have to be stupid to think it could even be bad. I expect my Pulitzer in the mail.
Now here's a question for everyone. If you could, would you end the series after this arc is over? To elaborate, the last two chapters have featured callbacks to the early days. Particularly, to the dish the protagonist made during the entrance exam. In other circustances and with lack of proper foreshadowing to future events, no one could be blamed for thinking the story might be near its conclusion.
I would be totally fine with the series ending after this. Having another cooking competition like Blue would be boring as fuck after this long arc. I'd be happy with the rebels getting the elite 10 places and then a short arc with Soma challenging Erina to a shokugeki so she can finally admit that one of his dishes is tasty.