Oh wow, my first thread/post in the Creativity Forum, anyway here goes…
Well, AP (or whatever other informal name for this community I may have missed out on), I have an idea for a story (but not to be judged as part of the monthly/biweekly writing competition, you'll see why later), with it having been based of a series of forum threads on another forum I used to browse. It will focus on a bunch of 16 (or 8, if supply is low) varied characters all fighting in a tournament held by some mysterious person (probably doing it for a worthy opponent/new disciple/shits and giggles). This piece of writing will be known as QtE - or Quest to Escape.
There's one twist with QtE though - and that is you all will be the ones contributing characters for the tournament.
The characters that you would all provide will follow a character sheet that I'll provide, with details to fill in such as Physical appearances, back-story/history, offensive/defensive/finishing/other moves/abilities, reasons for entering tournament, weapon of choice.
That is pretty much the point of QtE, to contribute characters with varied backgrounds/appearances/fighting skills to be pitted against each other (in the form of 1v1 fights). It would just be the characters you all would be contributing to, don't worry; I'll be the one who thinks up their fate (i.e. between two characters who'll be the victor), their fights' backgrounds and other elements surrounding the tournament (back-story, motive, ending and beginning etc.)
This is my first time writing fiction (or rather my first not being judged by a school teacher), so please don't give high expectations for how you'd want your characters handled. I would of course try my best for satisfactory endings for the losing characters (like not getting them resurrected seven years into the future COUGH COUGH).
Do give questions/critiques surrounding this idea, especially concerning details that I may have left out in the description of QtE. It would also be good to know if there may have been a similar thread like this.
If you all wouldn't mind to support this thread idea (not without extra suggestions, of course), I should be able to set up a thread with an appropriate tournament background and a given character sheet by the end of this week.
So, how does this kind of story sound?
EDIT: Oh, and here's an example of a usual QtE, with stereotypical character sheets and all.