! from that link is there a bit of interaction between aokiji and luffy?
One Piece Film Z (Wrap Canon From the Manga Not Yet in the Anime with Spoiler Tags)
It's basically the same things the 2ch source wrote, although they go into different details..so i guess they're both the real deal.
Here more from the guy that posted information yesterday.
! 130 :メロンさんex@ご利用は紳士的に:2012/11/08(木) 11:09:01.70 ID:8WYBheCi0
! 冒頭、Z率いるネオ海軍が海軍要塞に突入してダイナ岩を奪う。
! これにて【エンドポイント1個目】爆破完了。
! 場面代わり、ルフィ達がフランキーの頭の桜を肴に宴会してるところから
! 気絶しているだけで身体に大した問題はないと診察するチョッパー。
! Zの海楼石の腕で掴まれたルフィが「海賊王になる」と口にすると、
! すんでのところでサニー号のクードバーストで窮地を乗り切る一味。
! 一方その頃、海軍本部ではZ対策会議が開かれていた。元帥赤犬は
! 近くの島に上陸した一味は、サニー号の修理とZに関する情報収集をするために
! 温泉ではしゃぐルフィ達に、突然、背後の湯船から大男が声を掛けてくる。
! 風呂場を出て、ヒエヒエの義足姿の青キジを見たルフィ達は息をのみ、
! 131 :メロンさんex@ご利用は紳士的に:2012/11/08(木) 11:10:53.38 ID:8WYBheCi0
! その後、青キジと一味が遭遇、Zという人間のバックボーン、
! 新世界にあるエンドポイント(巨大なマグマ溜まり)を
! 一方、ガープもZの正体をコビメッポに告げていた。
元海軍大将 黒腕(こくわん)のゼファー。現役大将の頃に妻子を海賊に殺害され、
! 場面変わり、砂丘でZに再び立ち向かうルフィは粘るものの、海楼石の弾丸を
! これにて【エンドポイント2個目】爆破完了。
! 132 :メロンさんex@ご利用は紳士的に:2012/11/08(木) 11:11:41.16 ID:8WYBheCi0
! 衣装を変えてサニー号でピリオド島へ乗り込む一味。フランキーがバックアップに
! ルフィはZのもとへ到着し、戦いの火蓋が切られる。激闘の末、Zの海楼石製
! 密かに戦況を見守る青キジ「ゼファー先生が戻ってきたな…」
! 両者互角の攻防が続いたが、ついにZが体力切れを残念に思いつつ崩れ落ちる。
! 自分を取り戻したZは海軍の足止めを買って出、青キジはZと、ルフィ&アイン達との
! 「さよならです、ゼファー先生」などと別れの言葉を呟き、容赦なく
! ラストシーン。Zの名の由来は、ゼファーが子供の頃にZという「ヒーロー」ごっこを演じていたことから。
! 133 :メロンさんex@ご利用は紳士的に:2012/11/08(木) 11:13:49.06 ID:8WYBheCi0
以上どす。一部先述のものと重複するとこもあるかと思う -
does anyone know what are Garp, Sengoku, Coby and Helmeppo's roles ?
It says that it took part after Fishman Island?
I hope someone will translate the whole text.
! Awesome informations… Movie seems great with all the back info... But in all pics I never spotted Aokiji's "lost" leg.
Sanji fighting Bin, a swordsman, ist just awesome... This time done by Oda... Meteor Stike sounds awesome... can't wait to see it -
Oh man, I'm such a spoiler whore.
! They sound good though, especially Z being weakened because of age (I love Luffy, but I'm glad he has room left to grow), animated Kizaru fight, Aokiji's ice leg and, if indeed true, DoFla cutting off Z's leg. Man, the guy is getting hyped. :P
Also, I will serenade whoever translates that huge pile of spoilers.
I want to know that the "existence" of new characters like Z, Ain and Bins, is canon(like Shiki and his crew) or just filler(like almost every new characters from the movies)
If they are canon, the spin-off story of the movie will be a lot more touchy&interesting in my eyes :ninja:
Meteor Strike theorye… Maybe it is some Skywalk Diable Jambe move. Either a long range or better... A Full fire Concasse up from high in the air
So the question is: canon or not?
Am I the only person around here who think the canon or not canon thing is irrelevant? It could just simply be filler/side-story that gives a "sneak-peek" of what to expect later on.
I've read that the movie is supposed to take place immediately after Fishman Island.
! If that's true, it clearly doesn't fit within the manga continuity, where they arrived right outside of Punk Hazard as soon as they got to the New World.
! Unless actually stated otherwise it would make the most sense to take that to mean it isn't meant to be seen as part of the same continuity, i.e. it is not canon. If Oda meant for it to be a part of the manga canon you'd think he would make it fit with the manga canon. -
Wasn't the movie supposed to be premiered next month?
Am I the only person around here who think the canon or not canon thing is irrelevant? It could just simply be filler/side-story that gives a "sneak-peek" of what to expect later on.
But then what would we argue about?
I've read that the movie is supposed to take place immediately after Fishman Island.
! If that's true, it clearly doesn't fit within the manga continuity, where they arrived right outside of Punk Hazard as soon as they got to the New World.
! Unless actually stated otherwise it would make the most sense to take that to mean it isn't meant to be seen as part of the same continuity, i.e. it is not canon. If Oda meant for it to be a part of the manga canon you'd think he would make it fit with the manga canon.Movie 10 was supposed to be counted as canon right? That didn't fit in with what they were doing around that time.
I think this should give us a little foreshadowing of whats to come next in the series. From the looks of things the others don't play that big of a part eh?! Wait, how can Chopper get turned into a kid? Hes already the youngest one of the crew
! Either way, its going to be great to see what the Monster Trio can do, seems they'll be the only ones left to right still -
Wasn't the movie supposed to be premiered next month?
It was just a sneak preview
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Movie 10 was supposed to be counted as canon right? That didn't fit in with what they were doing around that time.
That's a subject of much debate, but regardless of which, Strong World did technically fit with the timeline, between Thriller Bark and Sabaody Archipelago. You just had to disregard a handful of inconsistencies.
! But a whole adventure taking place immediately after Fishman Island is plainly impossible. You would have to completely rewrite that entire part of the manga for it to fit. So it's a far more drastic infringement.
! One would have to ask why Oda chose to make it not fit, if it was meant to fit, you know? -
So. Fucking. Hyped.
Sounds too good.
So hyped…...so hyped. Really want full trailer so badly..now.
This film looks to be the best One Piece movie since 6. It's already sounding more interesting than that medicore Strong World, with an interesting villian. Also I'm liking the usage of canon characters like Kizaru in this story.
Please god give me a trailer.
Movie 10 was supposed to be counted as canon right? That didn't fit in with what they were doing around that time.
I think this should give us a little foreshadowing of whats to come next in the series. From the looks of things the others don't play that big of a part eh?! Wait, how can Chopper get turned into a kid? Hes already the youngest one of the crew
! Either way, its going to be great to see what the Monster Trio can do, seems they'll be the only ones left to right still! He wears a nappy so he's turned into a Baby lol
But then what would we argue about?
Nothing or something more sensible. I don't know it doesn't really bother me
Anyway I just did some more post editing, people seriously stop referencing stuff from the manga that hasn't happened in the anime yet. I know we have this whole "canon-versus-not-canon" thing going on here but is it too much to ask to wrap shit in spoiler tags? And for those that are wondering why I'm saying this, yes we have a rule here that designates stuff from the manga that hasn't been animated yet as spoilers. A lot of people that watch the anime don't read the manga.
So yeah since my last tirade on this months ago hasn't worked (and it looks like we got new posters here that weren't around for that), I'm going to go a step further and edit the thread title. And if I see this happen again you might get a temp-ban. I'm warnin' yuh >:(.
! Awesome informations… Movie seems great with all the back info... But in all pics I never spotted Aokiji's "lost" leg.
Sanji fighting Bin, a swordsman, ist just awesome... This time done by Oda... Meteor Stike sounds awesome... can't wait to see itin regards to your 'missing' question
! Being a Logia, I'm sure he can just make his missing leg an ICE leg
! Thus he would still look like he has both legs in his pants, but if had shorts on you would see one normal leg and one leg made of ice.
! I'm sure I've seen something like that done in another manga. -
Already got the answer. Still thank you
All this info sounds good, and i mean GOOD.
Hype increasing….
I've been skimming the whole thread, but was it ever said what the Dyna Stone was exactly supposed to do, anyways?
la la la I'm not reading about the plot la la la
This film looks to be the best One Piece movie since 6..
Isn't that one with the superb animation but sketchy art style?
Am I the only person around here who think the canon or not canon thing is irrelevant? It could just simply be filler/side-story that gives a "sneak-peek" of what to expect later on.
Nah, me too. Fact of the matter is Oda knows that no matter what he can't be sure that every single person that reads the manga will watch the movie or vice versa, so the events of the movie are never going to be truly relevant in the story. Even with Shiki you could say that while he exists in the OP world, in the manga there's no proof that he ended up going through with his plan.
Instead of worrying about whether Film Z is canon or not people should just enjoy it for what it is.
Am I the only person around here who think the canon or not canon thing is irrelevant? It could just simply be filler/side-story that gives a "sneak-peek" of what to expect later on.
In a non-canon movie/episode any abnormal or at least uncertain character behavior and abilities as well as any new information or characters can be excused without further explanation. E.g. Strong World is canonical but I can't imagine
! Luffy defeating Shiki after what happened in chapter 0 and only due to this inbalance I couldn't enjoy this otherwise great movie.
Placing a movie into the timeline far less of an issue
In a non-canon movie/episode any abnormal or at least uncertain character behavior and abilities as well as any new information or characters can be excused without further explanation. E.g. Strong World is canonical but I can't imagine
! Luffy defeating Shiki after what happened in chapter 0 and only due to this inbalance I couldn't enjoy this otherwise great movie.
Placing a movie into the timeline far less of an issue
True, hopefully Oda's involvement with this one will pay off more than in the case with "Strong World". I mean who knows, maybe being executive producer of a movie will be something Oda's more adept at than simply doing a bunch of character designs and coming up with a bland story idea (which was the case with "Strong World").
And yeah, that was one of the reasons "Strong World" kinda sucked.
True, hopefully Oda's involvement with this one will pay off more than in the case with "Strong World". I mean who knows, maybe being executive producer of a movie will be something Oda's more adept at than simply doing a bunch of character designs and coming up with a bland story idea (which was the case with "Strong World").
And yeah, that was one of the reasons "Strong World" kinda sucked.
That and the copy paste nature of the plot, but I already went on about this earlier.
Chapter/Episode 0 is far more entertaining then SW, at least in my opinion.
Am I one of the only people who actually like n enjoy fillers n non canon on this forum?
Here more from the guy that posted information yesterday.
! 130 :メロンさんex@ご利用は紳士的に:2012/11/08(木) 11:09:01.70 ID:8WYBheCi0
! 冒頭、Z率いるネオ海軍が海軍要塞に突入してダイナ岩を奪う。
! これにて【エンドポイント1個目】爆破完了。
! 場面代わり、ルフィ達がフランキーの頭の桜を肴に宴会してるところから
! 気絶しているだけで身体に大した問題はないと診察するチョッパー。
! Zの海楼石の腕で掴まれたルフィが「海賊王になる」と口にすると、
! すんでのところでサニー号のクードバーストで窮地を乗り切る一味。
! 一方その頃、海軍本部ではZ対策会議が開かれていた。元帥赤犬は
! 近くの島に上陸した一味は、サニー号の修理とZに関する情報収集をするために
! 温泉ではしゃぐルフィ達に、突然、背後の湯船から大男が声を掛けてくる。
! 風呂場を出て、ヒエヒエの義足姿の青キジを見たルフィ達は息をのみ、
! 131 :メロンさんex@ご利用は紳士的に:2012/11/08(木) 11:10:53.38 ID:8WYBheCi0
! その後、青キジと一味が遭遇、Zという人間のバックボーン、
! 新世界にあるエンドポイント(巨大なマグマ溜まり)を
! 一方、ガープもZの正体をコビメッポに告げていた。
元海軍大将 黒腕(こくわん)のゼファー。現役大将の頃に妻子を海賊に殺害され、
! 場面変わり、砂丘でZに再び立ち向かうルフィは粘るものの、海楼石の弾丸を
! これにて【エンドポイント2個目】爆破完了。
! 132 :メロンさんex@ご利用は紳士的に:2012/11/08(木) 11:11:41.16 ID:8WYBheCi0
! 衣装を変えてサニー号でピリオド島へ乗り込む一味。フランキーがバックアップに
! ルフィはZのもとへ到着し、戦いの火蓋が切られる。激闘の末、Zの海楼石製
! 密かに戦況を見守る青キジ「ゼファー先生が戻ってきたな…」
! 両者互角の攻防が続いたが、ついにZが体力切れを残念に思いつつ崩れ落ちる。
! 自分を取り戻したZは海軍の足止めを買って出、青キジはZと、ルフィ&アイン達との
! 「さよならです、ゼファー先生」などと別れの言葉を呟き、容赦なく
! ラストシーン。Zの名の由来は、ゼファーが子供の頃にZという「ヒーロー」ごっこを演じていたことから。
! 133 :メロンさんex@ご利用は紳士的に:2012/11/08(木) 11:13:49.06 ID:8WYBheCi0
以上どす。一部先述のものと重複するとこもあるかと思うI tried to translate most of it, that's what I got.
It's more or less a sum of the first 30 minutes of the movie. Hope this is useful in some way.! Intro:
A group called "Neo Marine" led by Z breaks into a Marine's stronghold and snatches the so-called "Daina Rock".
Kizaru appears and says something like "It's been a long time, Zephyr-Sensei. Please put the Daina Rock down" just before attacking him.
Z says "I'm pretty sure I've already taught you not to rely too much on your light beams" and fights back.
The Rock that Z had stolen bursts into a island-wide explosion.
Kizaru does not get injured, while Z gets swallowed by the explosion and is drifted away.
! New setting, Rufy and friends are eating cherries from Franky's head. (wtf? ?)
Suddenly some volcanic ash falls from the sky and no sooner they noticed that something was strange than they find Z drifting in the sea.
Chopper examines Z and says that he just passed out but he's not suffering any serious injuries.
Chopper finds out that Z's right arm ("Smasher") is made out of sea stone, he thinks he might be an enemy but gives him medical aid anyway. After a while Z opens his eyes.
He familiarizes with them at first, but after Rufy calls himself a pirate he completely changes his attitude and damages the ship.
Rufy, Zoro and Sanji are about to attack him when the members of "Neo Marine" , that was searching for their missing leader, get into the fight.
There's a small fight between Vince (Binzu?) and Ain against Franky and Nami. Z grabs Rufy with his sea-stone arm. While Rufy says "I'll become the pirate king!" , Z leaves the ship and orders his subordinates
to shoot cannon balls to the Sunny. Sunny's "Coup de burst" saves them.
Z orders his men to go to a temple, in order to restore their youth.
Meanwhile, Marine Headquarters set up a metting to come up with a strategy to catch Z.
Admiral Akainu orders to a bunch of officers the complete annihilation of his former mentor.
Mugiwara's land on a near island to repair the ship. They split up. Robin, Usopp, Nami (and Chopper?) go to a bar to gather information about Z. Rufy,Sanji,Zoro e Brook go to a hot spring to have some rest, while Franky stays with the Sunny wanting ro reinforce its equipment.
In the hot spring, Rufy and friends are having fun, when suddenly an adult male voice coming from behind interrupts them. It's former-admiral Aokiji.
They're kind of annoyed by his presence, but Aokiji surprises them by saying that he has no intention to fight them.
They leave the spring, and they see Aokiji's artificial leg made of ice. They ask him why he had to fight Akainu? but he just answers "That's not a nice question to ask.."
! In the bar Nami hears some marines talking about the incident provoked by Z in that island. They leave the bar and run into Rufy that is being followed by some marines. He uses the Haki of the Conqueror. Only one official does not faint and he gives them more information about the ongoing war between Z and the Marine. -
Am I one of the only people who actually like n enjoy fillers n non canon on this forum?
I do, even the ones of the type of Goat Island, mostly because story, setup and art wise they're from a different time and feel as such.
Of course this excludes Little East Blue which is pretty much irredeemable.
I do, even the ones of the type of Goat Island, mostly because story, setup and art wise they're from a different time and feel as such.
Of course this excludes Little East Blue which is pretty much irredeemable.
how forget navarone arc?
how forget navarone arc?
I never once made a refference to which ones I think are the best, I just said I liked the Goat Island/Rainbow Mist fillers for what they are. Truth be told I actualy went into screencaps on the former and even studied what Moor has in his office…...just because I like to see that even fillers can have foundation sometimes and not seem like a big cardboard prop.
Incidently, how many people here have even seen the TV specials I wonder ?
! Oh, Akainu's in the movie too? I wonder if he's in the flesh or just a voice-over cameo, given that I'd think Oda would want to save his Fleet Admiral debut for the manga itself. Then again, he showed Aokiji already, so who knows.
! A sea stone weapon seems kinda redundant with the advent of Ambition channeling, but I guess the energy-drain effect would be quite useful.Incidently, how many people here have even seen the TV specials I wonder ?
I've seen the first three years ago, though I don't really remember much of the first one except for there being giant lobster monsters, a girl who was crushing on Zoro (who took exception at Sanji doing his thing when he showed up at the end), and Zoro almost cutting Luffy's hand off with a hatchet. The hypno-conductor making Luffy fight the rest of the crew and the violation scene were what stuck with me from the second one. Third one was…eh.
Am I the only person around here who think the canon or not canon thing is irrelevant? It could just simply be filler/side-story that gives a "sneak-peek" of what to expect later on.
Because canon material actually happened, and non-canon never happened.
That's the only thing.
–- Update From New Post Merge ---
! But a whole adventure taking place immediately after Fishman Island is plainly impossible. You would have to completely rewrite that entire part of the manga for it to fit. So it's a far more drastic infringement.
They got G8 perfectly fitting well in between Skypiea and Davy Back Fight.
The octopus balloon part isn't much different from the waters.
Ive never seen Little East Blue How is it?
Bad. Like, really bad. It's only real saving grace is that the final fight is animated really well.
Whats a summay of it?
They got G8 perfectly fitting well in between Skypiea and Davy Back Fight.
The octopus balloon part isn't much different from the waters.
! Yeah, it is. When they floated down from Skypiea they came down in the open seas traveled a while before they got to Long Ring Island. After Fishman Island, we followed them the entire time, watching them emerge for the first time in the New World, right outside Punk Hazard. And followed them as they went onto Punk Hazard. It's impossible to fit anything there without rewriting the sequence.
Besides, G8 -was- non-canon.Sorry if this discussion is apparently hated or something. I just happen to find it interesting what people think on the matter.
Whats a summay of it?
Basically the Straw Hats come across an island that has residents from East Blue living on it. The island gets attacks by the Amigo Pirates, a group of assorted Mexican and Spanish stereotypes who try to kidnap a giant fire-breathing beetle named Boss. Boss is actually one of the monsters from Merveille that escaped, and Shiki told Largo, the Amigo Pirates' captain, that if he can retrieve Boss they can participate in his plan as one of his subordinate pirate divisions.
The writing was really lacking, and despite the filler being advertised as a prologue to Strong World, it barely had anything to do with it. All that stuff up there I said about Boss being part of Shiki's monster horde? That's all revealed in the final minute or so of the last episode. The vast majority of the East Blue residents were background props, and one of them, Yoko, is by far the most annoying ''gutsy'' little kid in all of One Piece. And the Amigo Pirates…well, the name of their crew should be all you need to know, though I did like how Largo applied some of his powers (making nets). In short, it played basically every cliche found in One Piece filler absolutely straight, leaving behind a mess of terrible execution, betrayed expectations, and really, really lazy and cheap writing.
More details about Z.
! Garp tells to Kobi and Hermeppo the story behind Z and why he left the Marine. When he was an admiral his wife and sons were killed by pirates. Moreover, a very strong pirate (it might be Doflamingo, but Garp does not mention his name) kills all of his men (except Ain and Vince) and cuts his arm off. When the government invites this evil pirate to join Shichibukai, Z disappointment towards the goverment led him to leave the Marine.
He aims to destroy 3 islands located in the New World called "Endpoint". Those island are covered with magma, and if destroyed the Golden Age of Piracy would end.! So he's definetly not a pirate. He's a former marine that hates pirates and hates how the government comes to terms with them.
More details about Z.
! Garp tells to Kobi and Hermeppo the story behind Z and why he left the Marine. When he was an admiral his wife and sons were killed by pirates. Moreover, a very strong pirate (it might be Doflamingo, but Garp does not mention his name) kills all of his men (except Ain and Vince) and cuts his arm off. When the government invites this evil pirate to join Shichibukai, Z disappointment towards the goverment led him to leave the Marine.
He aims to destroy 3 islands located in the New World called "Endpoint". Those island are covered with magma, and if destroyed the Golden Age of Piracy would end.! So he's definetly not a pirate. He's a former marine that hates pirates and hates how the government comes to terms with them.
! Maybe it wasn't Doflamingo but Kaido? Or was it stated somewhere that the pirate did in fact become a Schichibukai….?
! There could be a canon tie in if Dofla mentions to the Strawhats during their encounter that he slashed off Z's arm?
! Maybe it wasn't Doflamingo but Kaido? Or was it stated somewhere that the pirate did in fact become a Schichibukai….?
! No, it has to be one of the Shichibukai. Z renounced his career as Admiral because that pirate joined Shichibukai. Garp said that.
OH! Ive seen the last episodes of it when I was getting back into One Piece. From what I saw ( only a ep or 2 ) it was alright
! It could be MIhawk as well, but yeah Dofla seems more likely
! It could be MIhawk as well, but yeah Dofla seems more likely
! The other source clearly mentioned DoFlamingo, so i think there's a flashback implying it was him, even if Garp doesn't say his name.
! so i guess Z is a good guy. how come destroying 3 islands could end the pirate age?
Looking forward to seeing this on the release date. It will likely be old news by then, but will post my thoughts here.