Well, given the previous message in the FUNimation thread kinda got ignored, figured I'd make a thread about this. Essentially, a new website streaming platform, known as Daisuki, will be starting up in April and will begin streaming anime, old and new alike. This includes plans to streamed simulcasts, as well as "live" broadcasts and events. Various Japanese companies have signed on board for the project and a couple of shows were mentioned. One of them mentioned in it is One Piece.
WTK, over at Fandom Post, had recently sent an email to Daisuki and got back the following reponse:
thank you for your mail!
Regarding your question:
DAISUKI will be available world-wide, so the service area of DAISUKI will also cover non-English areas.Thank you.
Best Regards,
So while this does not completely confirm that One Piece will be streamed absolutely everywhere, it is looking good for people overseas that want to view the series.