Hailing from The Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Eleven, “The Hero Yoshihiko and the Demon King’s Castle” (Yuusha Yoshihiko to Maou no Shiro) is a 12-episodes, late-night adventure drama. The story focuses on the adventures of Yoshihiko, a young man who sets forth on a journey to save his village from a deadly plague, and the companions that join him on the way to the eponymous Demon King’s Castle.
Touting itself as “A no-budget action-adventure series”, Yoshihiko is an officially sanctioned love letter to SquareEnix’s Dragon Quest series, with a great attention to detail and to the common JRPG tropes.
I've been watching this series and it's pretty hilarious if you played older JRPGs.
The entire first season has been released, and the second season has started to be translated.