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title: "douriki"
page 2
lucci: it's been a long time
lucci: director
spandam: you've returned!!!
spandam: lucci
spandam: kaku
spandam: blueno
spandam: kalifa
kalifa: that's sexual harrassment
spandam: just by saying your name!!?
page 3-4
lucci: the criminal wanted from 8 years ago in the attack against a government official at "water seven", "cutty flam"
lucci: from 20 years ago
lucci: the criminal wanted in the attack against marine ships at "ohara" in "west blue", "nico robin"
lucci: they have been escorted to the other side of the door.
jyabura: i've missed you lucci---...
jyabura: it looks like your ego (fudefudeshisa=no direct translation) has grown a bit
lucci: as well as your stupid face
lucci: jyabura
kaku: cut it out you two
kaku: we've just returned...!!
kumadori: yoyoi!! yeah, cut it out you two!!
kumadori: it's the first time we've been together in 5 years!!
fukurou: cha ba ba ba
zipper: ji---
page 5
fukurou: chapa!!!
fukurou: chpapa
fukurou: cha...
fukurou: paga!!!
page 6
kalifa: i thought you would do it, fukurou
fukurou: "rokushiki" game!
fukurou: "teawase"!! (teawase=bout)
fukurou: if a marine with a weapon is "10 douriki"... you guys are...
fukurou: disclosing disclosing!! your power!! first...
fukurou: kalifa.. 630 douriki
fukurou: bleuno 820 douriki
fukurou: kaku...!! 2200 douriki!!
fukurou: luci.... mumu....!!
page 7
fukurou: 4000 douriki!!!
jyabura: what, 4000!!? did you measure seriously!!? that kind of douriki is unheard of!!!
fukurou: that's true-----!! you guys all got strong- chya papapa
fukurou: i've already measured jyabura and kumadori so we now know who's strong-----!!
jyabura: i have a problem with that, fukurou!! what do you mean that i'm not only weaker than lucci, but kaku too!!
fukurou: chapapa
fukurou: kaku has gotten strong too-!!
jyabura: hey!! don't get too cocky, kaku!! "teawase" is only a measure of your body movement
kaku: .........
page 8
jyabura: in battle i get "devil fruit" powers. don't forget i won't lose to you
kaku: think what you want, i have no interest in such things
lucci: yeah, don't listen to what that stray dog is saying
jyabura: what do you mean stray dog, lucci-------...
jyabura: you shapeshifting cat!!!
lucci: ........
both: garurururururu!!! (grrrrrrrrr)
kalifa: hey, cut it out you two!!
kaku: jyabura's really stuck on this issue
page 9
fukurou: jyabura was dumped by the office girl gyatherine yesterday-
bleuno: that's why
jyabura: wa!! wait a sec!! how does everyone know of that
fukurou: i told everyone on the main island--- chapapapa
jyabura: you--!!!
zipper: ji----!!
spandam: it's cause you guys start this stupid ranking as soon as you get together
spandam: at the point you perfected "rokushiki" you guys are way beyond normal!! you're super human enough if you have 500 douriki
fukurou: the director's douriki is "9"-
spandam: don't say that!! it's ok cause i'm the assignment director!! plus i have my sword when i need it!!!
fukurou: chapapa
kalifa: we've known about your weakness for a long time
spandam: gusa!! ooooohh---!! why don't you cover your mouth a little, kalifa
kalifa: that's sexual harrassment
spandam: what!!? because i responded to your comment!?
page 10
kalifa: director
spandam: w...what?
kalifa: it's sexual harrassment
spandam: my existing!!?
kumadori: yoyoi!! kalifa- you're being disrespectful--- director... for... for this!!
kumadori: i'll take responsibility by comitting harakiri----!!!
kumadori: seppuku!!! "tekkai"
kumadori: too bad!! i won't die!! maybe!! i was saved by my mother in heaven
jyabura: hurry up and die, you!!!
spandam: .... with that i acknowledge your hard work these 5 years...
spandam: later
spandam: i have some things i want to give you.... but in the meantime
spandam: let me meet....!! the whole world's, "hope"!!
page 11
spandam: fufufu...
spandam: fu ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
spandam: what a great feeling.....!!!
page 12
spandam: how good of you... to survive the incident from 8 years ago....!! cutty flam
franky: .....
spandam: -and the woman the world's been chasing after. nico robin
spandam: all of the effort in making today happen, all the world's people
spandam: will never know the scale of our work.
spandam: it won't be known for years to come
spandam: if you ask me, the old men of the governement are luke warm!! you can't get something without paying for it
spandam: we're working for the peace of all mankind!!!
page 13
spandam: so the fools who get in our way of our peace should be killed!!!
spandam: so it's ok if the gyojin who doesn't give us what we want gets killed in the name of justice!!!
franky: !!!
franky: ............!! the reason why tom-san sacrificed his life to protect the blueprint
franky: is because stupid people like you are here!!!!
spandam: !!!
spandam: gyaaaaaaaaa
page 14
spandam: sa....!! sa sa sa!!
spandam: save me, guys--!!!
kumadori: yoyoi!!!
hair: ba!!
kumadori: affermative!!!
franky: !!?
kumadori: yoi!!!
franky: gua!!!
page 15
?: "main island" to "director!! director spandam please come in!!
?: it's not getting through!!
?: maybe he's dropped the receiver again...
?: again... it's happens every time...
marine: hey!! where did the strawhat disappear to!!?
marine: he's right under you!!
luffy: "gomu gomu no"
luffy: "kazan" (kazan=volcano)
?: !!!
marine: owaaaaaaa!!
page 16
luffy: ha...
luffy: ha
luffy: fuun!!
marine: the wall is falling----!!!
marine: get out of the way----!!
luffy: "gomu gomu no"
luffy: "gatling"
marine: !!!
marine: ah.....!! watch out!!!
page 17
marine: gyaaaaa----!!!
marine: director spandam, please come in. we need a plan and a course of action!!! "mugiwara no luffy" is
marine: not stopping!!!!
box: eneas lobby main island "court house"
box2: "court house"
?: loud-----!!
?: what's the ruckus about!! you woke me up----!!!
marine: ah!! judge!! there's one pirate causing problems on the main island...
marine: and we can't get ahold of director spandam!! please give us a course of action instead!!
page 18
basukabiru: one pirate!? pirates are "guilty"!!!!
basakabiru: yeah
basakabiru: let's not say that and make him "not guilty"
basakabiru: yeah
box: eneas lobby presiding judge "three neck basakabiru"
basakabiru: then!! we'll take the middle road and
basakabiru: "death sentence"!!!
basakabiru: why the heck!!!
marine: judge!! a course of action please!!!