Hello there, just want to introduce myself shortly here. I'm a 16 year old fellow from Vienna, who really likes One Piece. I read other manga too, my second favourite has to be Toriko. Apart from that I like watching That Guy With The Glasses-videos, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, South Park and some sitcoms like How I Met Your Mother or The Big Bang-Theory.
While I'm more active in a German community, I was lurking here more often lately, so I registered.
Guten Tag
Welcome! I like quite a few things from what you mentioned, and I'm sure you'll find more like-minded people here. I hope you enjoy your time here!
welcome to AP! :)
You'll fit right in. Welcome to AP. :))
Freut mich, einen weiteren Österreicher begrüßen zu dürfen. Have fun buddy.
welcome!!! hope you enjoy it here as much as the whole community does!
Enjoy your stay here capn' AJ.
Guche ^^
Welcome to AP! Love your avvie~