This is why this series fails for me.
-It got the Joker wrong, they made him some weird hybrid between monkey and man in movements and nearly a match for Batman physically .
-Jeff Matsuada designs just doesn't do it for me
-They gave Penquin's bizzare out of place minions.
-They didn't really reinvent themeselves all that much and to add to that, the series was suceeding Dini/Timm's cartoon(which is pretty big shoes to fill)
-Hated,hated what they did to Mr. Freeze(though this version was based on the original comic counterpart before the comics adopted the Dini-version)
-I didn't like Bane's design( looks horrilbe IMO)
-No Two Face that gave this series a tragic resonace(though I suppose Bennet filled that void rather nicely)
The design thing is definitely a hit and miss, hate it or love it thing. The Joker's design was awful, but I loved his personality. I also felt that the fact that he could fight Batman made him feel even more threatening, I didn't mind that change at all.
Plus the fighting style fit him so perfectly.
Mr. Freeze was easily one of the biggest bad calls, although his outfit was pretty dope.
Not sure why they omitted two face though, Bennett WOULD have been a nice replacement if they didn't stop developing his character for some unknown reason.
It gets no respect because it was the series trying to follow up BTAS/Superman/Batman Beyond/Justice League. Not only was it competing with a 15 year legacy, it basically gets blamed for being the series that ended it… and prevented Justice League from having batman villains in its last seasons.
Pus, the first season wasn't very good and people stopped giving it a chance pretty quickly.
I will NEVER understand this complaint, the batman villains really don't belong in JLU when they would just end up being common fodder. Not only that, but with their exclusion we got episodes focused on other heroes, so I felt it was a better trade than seeing Batman villains getting a one hitter quitter by…. just about everyone.
The first season of The Batman though is easily the worst aside from the bennett based episodes.