well,Maplesnow Anime One Piece is better
than Gerusama Anime One Piece??????? :glare:
video Quality?????bub???????
Maplesnow One Piece!!!!
30 seconds before closing?????????????????????
whats wrong whithyou dued?.?.?.?.?.?.???
you could ask for exazmple in da raw discussion thread!!!!!!!!!111
and maplesnow subtitlzes arin chineseXD XD XD XD -
I sense great things for this thread.
wtf is "bub" anyway?..
wtf is "bub" anyway?..
Dunno… Wolverine says it a lot.. maybe he knows? =)
How the hell can you even compare Maplesnow to Gerusama? One's in CHINESE while the other's ENGLISH.