You know guys, I've thought about this with my friends for a long time…
And one of my friends claim to talk about Zoro leaving the strawhats.
No, it's not on any volume...But I think it might happen...
I think every crew member will have a point of time that they want to disband from the strawhats but end up back there with Luffy...
Now, Zoro wants to become the greatest swordi right?
Because he wants to become the best, he trains so hard.
Maybe there will be a point of time that Zoro wants to leave Luffy coz he considers the Strawhats as delay people of his fight with Mihawk...
Zoro becomes the most powerful swordi...What happens next?
He might turn evil or something and abuse his power...
You wanna know why we disscussed this?
Coz I saw a picture with ZOro pointing his sword at the Strawhats...
And it saiz Luffy VS ZORO
and I knew it isnt Whiskey Peak...Because Robin was with the pic too...
Help me out...Coz I really like Zoro...