One Piece Harlem Shake (brace yourselves)
This is, i, you know, its, is, what, i, i dont think i can, i dont think i can can anymore.
Doesn't change the fact that Harlem Shake sucks.
Usopp what are you doing… Usopp... Stahp.
Was Usopp…humping the mast of the ship?
Wow….I'm...I'm gonna focus on work for a bit.
Not even One Piece is safe from this.
! And Usopp, what the fuck are you doing? MY EYES!!
The video isn't so bad if you mute and put other music instead like the gangnan style for exemple.
Its terrible…
it would have been better if I don't know, okamas and marines and pirates appeared from nowhere, now that would have been fun
This would have been wonderful if it suddenly zoomed out on all the characters we've seen and flinging around their abilities.
Whoever animated this has a thing for pelvic thrusting.
Robin dancing O.0
No .
The video isn't so bad if you mute and put other music instead like the gangnan style for exemple.
Ugh no not gangnam style. I thought we were over with that…
Usopp? gah its Sanji that bothers me more… that slut can't decide who the dry hump at! XD
I've nver been a fan of Harlem Shake it's stupidity at its greatest.
But I saw this like 'oh okay then…'
And then I died majorly when it got to the real dancing time... I mean wat. Zoro. Stahp. Usopp. Stahp. Luffy. Stop humping the air. Everyone. Staaaaaaaahp. -
Robin is the worst, it's so out of characther it scares me.
This is not funny.
zoro's dance is an epic win
Whose responsible this?
That was amazing.
if you like videos like this one please check out my thread where i will be collecting all of the best one piece meme related imageswith your help!
whoa… my eyes bleed... please staph..
Question: is that official, or made by a fan? Because if it's unpaid fan work, it's very impressive.
Question: is that official, or made by a fan? Because if it's unpaid fan work, it's very impressive.
Agreed. It's only 30 seconds, but just looking at it with a technical eye and as someone who's sorta done similar stuff in the past (nowhere near this level though) I'm like "oh man, this must've killed the guy/gal who made this when all was said and done." Just think of all the separate frames and layers for each character on the screen, those types of scenes tend to be pretty tedious to animate for a single person, even moreso than fast-paced flipbook esque action sequences, even though they're more mundane by comparison. Must've taken awhile, especially since it doesn't look like flash but almost like something official. So for that I can actually appreciate the work rather than loathe it completely just because of the music and meme it's following after.
Question: is that official, or made by a fan? Because if it's unpaid fan work, it's very impressive.
Too bad that amazing work and effort was wasted on this moronic fad.
Question: is that official, or made by a fan? Because if it's unpaid fan work, it's very impressive.
Kinda official. This was made by Toei Animation Philippines' trainees as their first animation exercise. Haha and yeah even though they are my fellow countrymen, they could have done better by using a different song, but it's just training.
So this meme technically spread all the way to Toei animation. Across the globe.
I have no face in my expression drawer for this. This is both sorta amazing and sorta "what" all at the same time.
I liked Usopp in this
does anyone else always skip to the part where the blavk guy goes THE HARLEM SHAKE
on my rewatches it tends to take up a lot of time if im not fast forwarding
This would've been bad if it weren't for the pelvic thrusts and the hot Usopp on mast action. <3
when singing along does anyone else lik to go, instead of mexican, the high pitched person in the beginning is saying like "hey toy el broke oh??" (haha i dont knwo what they're saying so i just make it up as i go along!)
–- Update From New Post Merge ---
a disorienting banger with an irresistible appeal that owes almost everything to its menacing, world-smashing bassline
Holy, please be careful.
This can't be real! @_@
16 characters of boring
Zoro was awesome xD
Here's one that doesnt involve Usopp mast-humping:
Not funny whatsover,hopefully this shitty thing will stop soon
Along with this purely visceral pleasure, it's hard not to marvel at how awesome those growling-lion samples sound
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It’s funny. I like the video. This video reminds me, my class Harlem shake party. Sadly this music could not hit gnagnam style music.
Oh dear god please don't tell me your class made a harlem shake video…
In case you didn't notice, Gangnam Style is awful too, hell, even more awful than this one since it's played EVERYWHERE when you got tired of listening to it after half the first time you listened to it. -
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Zoro and Usopp… Uh, What should I say? Just... Uh,.. I dunno.. :wassat:
Wtf Usopp… everybody do the humping shake
Don't know whether to feel embarrassed or giggle at this
Usopp is better as a stripper than a sniper. This proves it.
Not going to watch not even once.