Yeah, I doubt pretty much anyone else here actually lives near/in Middlesborough… but NemaCon is our local con, taking over from ReCon, which died along with Borders (F**K YOU WHSMITH). This will be its second year ;D didn't get to go last year, and I can only go for one day this year unless I can somehow persuade the mosseur... says she can't afford to take me down both days, yet the ticket is for both days, so...
I'm not the very best that no one ever was, but I'm doing a SchoolUniform version of a One Piece character along with a friend from Gaia ;D (me = Law, she = Kidd) so it should be fun~ also, apparently there's gonna be a Law (not just me!) lurking around on both days 8'D seriously can't wait~
So, more information!
When? - 18th-19th June 2011
Where? - Middlesborough Town Hall, North East of England
Why? - Because.
Who? - People who wanna go of course!
How? - Cause of awesome organizers like Moley, and as for getting there most peeps take the train
What? - A small anime convention so then we don't get left out :)
Was a little sad I couldn't go last year cause LittleKuriboh was a guest ; A ;
If you guys want more info, then there is a small forum for NemaCon, so if you wanna see just request it and 'badumtish' I'll pop a link up riiiiiight....
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