I would suggest that an sub-forum specially for the latest releases rather raws and fansub for OP anime. Because its kind of messy looking at the anime forum and seeing it jumbled with the latest releases and the discussions. i hope the admins consider the suggestion.
A new sub forum for latest releases?
We typically use the announcements forum for that… >.>
Only for KF :P
I'd say just pin the topic as how we do it for Manga chaps, but pinning extra three topics… Not so attractive. But having sub forum just for that is too much, I think.
One whole thread stickied maybe (for all raw releases) ? But I dunno, it doesn't sound kosh to me…
or the most is that one thread for releases of animes? regardless of raws or fansub.
That might be better than having a whole forum dedicated to the release.
I think that thread should be cleared and pruned on a daily basis of posts etc. Users can post any release and a moderator will update the main post. Confusing? I mean something like the thread @ http://www.seed-forum.com/viewtopic.php?t=15002
Notice the note at the end "Mods, please edit this posting after a link has been posted then delete the posters link. This will insure a cleaner thread.". I think this is a good idea.
EDIT: No comments? Then I'll proceed to create the thread.
good and great idea. i hope people will find soon the new thread an not flood anymore the board with release threads
What'll happen to discussion threads? Or don't Anime have any?
Ok, so where does the discussion go pertaining to purticular release(s)? Just going by the 158 thread that just got locked.
So say I find the Ep. 242 RAW on Sunday, post the torrent link here and that's that? My post gets deleted, and the discussion goes….......?
why not have a new releases discussion thread? something like the naruto discussion would be ok, i mean where you can talk about anything about the new releases, kf, gerusama, hk subs or raw?
Aye, something like what SHL is saying. The mods will update the first post and everyone discusses at the same thread. I doubt the anime discussion will be like the manga discussion.
So one thread will be used forever?
Yea, I don't think that thread should be used for discussion or it will be cluttered. Maybe a seperate thread for discussion can be created. If you want, you can create it. That thread would be pinned.
Well, we'll need a K-F discussion thread & a RAW/Gerusama discussion thread. Because we can't just have the one super thread for all anime releases in the future or else there'd be way too many people upset over spoilers.
Erm Dythim went to unlock the thread so… I don't know. If people are to discuss each episode in every new thread then I don't think we need the pinned release thread anymore ^^;;;
Let's see how it goes..
How about 1 thread for each subbed episode? So when KF catches up with Geru-sama, we'll be reusing the same thread as discussion thread.
As for raw discussion, I don't think there are that many people actually have things to say, so use the announcement thread as discussion?