Ah yes, Shonen Jump…. Thank you for introducing me to the joys of Naruto, Sandland, and of course, One Piece. Back then your magazine really stood out with its Fresh new look, and crammed so thick with manga you could kill someone with the sheer size of youe magazine. But now....
Your magazine is half as big (literally) yet your price remains the same? Every one of your covers features Yugi... EVERY ONE OF THEM!!! YUGIOH is not the only manga you feature, so why not mix it up? ZOLO!!!?!!?!!
and last but not least, you guys seem to always try and support 4kids every chance you get. You KNOW they ruined One Piece for America! So thanks fer throwing wood on 4kids fire ya jerks!
Oh shonen jump, where did you go wrong? =(
(p.s. sorry if I offended any shonen jump fans. I'm just ranting my opinon is all. Gimme feedback on what everyone thinks.)