Sakonosolo,what are you looking for in an mp3 player?
A. If you are looking for excellent sound -aka you want to go the audiophile road- there are some good options out there, in any case you need to pair the decent pair of earphones or headphones, here are a couple of good options:
1. The Cowon J3: arguably the best sounding pmp on the market. Capable of reproducing audiophile grade sound, it can play any kind of format outthere even FLACs, Cowon's excellent sound enhancements, up to 32gb internal memory plus an SD card slot (you could add another 32gb)
Cons: a little on the expensive side 270 dollars on Amazon, no applications market available, so it's strictly for music/video only, no web browsing capabilities either.
If you only care about music and you would like to experience the best sound I would say give it a try.
2. Sansa Clip+: very small, audiophile grade sound. Strictly for music, as you can see below the screen doesn't allow for more. You can grab one of these with an internal memory up to 8gb, with the option to add up another 32gb it also has an SD card slot. It's cheap, very cheap: only 55 dollars for the 8 gb ones, another 55-60 dollars for the 32gb SD card, and you probably would still have money for an excellent pair of earphones/headphones, and why not a headphone miniamp:
I think the Sansa Clip+ it's the better option for those who only want to listen to music. because it allows your budget to be wisely spent: mp3 player + earphones/headphones.
Of course can't forget about the ipod classic that can give you a lot of internal memory (up to 160gb). Pair it up with some good earpieces and you will get a great music listening experience.
Zune HD it's another great choice. The zune of course has the upper hand in audio quality when compared to the ipod. Not to mention is the sleekest audio player outthere.
B. You want/need something where you can carry not only music, but also documents, college material, pictures and other stuff, you could consider a good smartphone, I would recommend the newest android generation smartphones.
I've put my mp3 player aside and use my smartphone as my main audio player nowadays, so I only have to carry one device.
This site might give help you decide: