! How do I describe it…. um, how bout, the premiere intraweb time waster of 2005? Yeh, that'll do. Anyways, probably most members are already well familiar with the site, but for those who are not, I'll give you a sample of some of the most popular entries on the site.
ForPorn (It's safe)
Finnish Duck-tales Theme.
Tom Cruise Kills Oprah
Harry Potter Spoiler Crash!
What is Love? (Look familiar?)
Willy Wonka Jackson
and…. Brian Peppers Loves Bell Peppers
Ok, a few small ground rules with posting stuff from YTMND. Just make sure it's work-safe & forum safe, and check the content before you post. Also, some YTMNDs don't seem to work well with Firefox, so if they screw up I'd recommend opening them in IE.