Finally getting animated after all this time!
The series follows the strange goings-on that surround Katsu Kaizō, an eccentric, perhaps insane student who has a unique perspective on the world around him. He was once a child prodigy but at the age of 7, his childhood friend Umi kicked him off the jungle gym and suffered a head trauma, changing his personality - gaining a huge interest in various weird or "occult" things (UFO's, pyramids, ghosts) and starting to easily believe anything, no matter how preposterous.
At 17, Kaizō was hit by a human anatomy model the science club accidentally dropped from the second floor of the school building. Being revived with a defibrillator, he starts to believe he was rebuilt as a cyborg by the president of the science club, Suzu Saien, who facilitates that belief for her own personal entertainment.
A series that is so many times better than Zetsubou Sensei (which I still very much like), I've been a long, long time fan of Kaizou. The fact that this just came out of nowhere is incredibly exciting to me.
This is an OVA, if I got my information right (I jumped to make a topic before confirming), and an anime adaptation is coming along later. I think? I don't know! I hope they include the ending in its full form.
Man oh man.
Kaizou! Hnnngh.