Just finished Conquest. I liked it a lot.
Poor Armando, I grew to love him as a character. Hell, his relationship with Caesar sort of mirrored Zira & Cornelius' with Taylor in the first film. The Insider protecting the alien. His death was so sad. He died protecting his ape friend for 20 years. He reminded me of Obi-Wan for some reason. He was the archetypal Protector.
The film is also very paradoxical , and makes me question why there is need for this film 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' when basically, the 4 Sequels tell, through prequel or sequel, the whole history of Planet of the Apes. I felt horrible for Caesar, and empathised with him the whole way through the film. Error though - didn't Zira say that 'Aldo' was supposed to have uttered the epic 'No', and not Lisa? (Btw, I did like how that was kept in mind with the heavy banding about of the word 'No' in the film, which didn't even feel out of place)
The addition of MacDonald was good, it evens out the portrayal of Man. And adds another character to our 'Friendly Humans' list. Lisa I found was a bit annoying having her running about throughout the film only to really be significant as a possible love interest (and I'm sure she's incredibly vital for the next and final film) and mating partner for Caesar. No real importance in this however; bar wrongly uttering the important 'No' and yet they still have her running about in this pointless subplot.
The scene after Caesar is presumed electrocuted, where he kills the gaurd, harked back, and I think purposely to Escape From Planet of the Apes, where Caesar's father, Cornelius kills the Orderly who's pseudo-taunting Zira. I think the reflection of Father/Son similarities was good there.
–- Update From New Post Merge ---
Well I just watched Battle For The Planet of the Apes - I at several points during the film thought it was pretty bad. But I loved the ending. No matter if it's supposedly the 'worst of the franchise'
Naturally, a lot of the plot centers around that crazy fucking cult which I hate, so I didn't like that aspect. However I loved the interaction and friction between Caesar's Apes and Aide Macdonald's Humans. As I watched to the end, with the outcome being peaceful, I felt sad knowing that just as the humans were released from the coral, they would be imprisoned in them once more, by Gorillas such as Aldo.
I didn't like Aldo, and a part of me therefore dislikes his plot, but I now realise it was vital for the explanation of how Gorillas came to be like that. Writing this now, I remember Aldo's faces during the Tree Scene with Caesar. I pitied him. There was good in Aldo, and like uttered earlier in the movie, the good in him was exercised in an unconventional way.
I liked how they built up the co-life of, and how natural that co-existence of the people and the apes is, by not having much interaction between, or significant focus on Caesar and his wife. Then again, thinking like that, I wonder, was Caesar and his Son's relationship developed well enough for us to care about Cornelius' death? I felt awful when that happened. For a starter, he was killed slowly, secondly, he's named after by now, our dear friend Cornelius, harking back to the first film.
I like the ending; it was bittersweet, and ominous enough. Even though I didn't like Beneath the Planet of the Apes, it did a good job of setting it up and that is to be admired. Hell even the one second 'Gorilla pulling the little girl's hair' scene set up/foreshadowed the very first film.
I am really glad I watched this franchise. I feel proud to say it's now one of my favourite film franchises. And I remember the ealy films with fond nostalgia. Now to watch the trailer for Rise of The Planet of the Apes and bitch about how the suits would be much better than the CGI.
If there was ever a prequel that didnt need to be made it was this one.
Heres the trailer in it's lack of glory.
I'm a fairly big fan of the first couple of movies, particularly the first. The remake was terrible but had some good ideas but this abomination looks absolutely fucking shite.
All the mystery of the originals is completely lost. It doesn't matter HOW it happened, only that it did.
What the fuck!? That doesn't even make narrative sense as a prequel. Taylor was blasted off in 1971, and Caesar seized control, after the Ape Revolution in 1991. That looks set in 2010. By then they'd already be dominated? How the hell are they living in peace - I give up, it makes no sense!
EDIT: Oh it's a reboot and they want to start a new Franchise from it.