Song from this weekends episode:
EDIT: New clip:
Song from this weekends episode:
EDIT: New clip:
Just got done watching episode 3!
! To be honest, it was not that great IMO. However, that scene with the root of Twilight's old Golden Oak Library house carrying all those nostalgic memories of her past experiences with her friends was very touching, easily the best part of the episode.
! Yeah pretty meh ep, though I did like the beginning with Twilight trying to avoid back to her castle. Nice to see that her friends are catching onto her problem pretty quick. Good song but everything after that was standard silliness till the ending. Nice solution the other came up with, I had feeling they were gonna add some kind old momento from the treehouse. Good callback to the Tree of Harmony too, that was indeed heartwarming.
! Was an ok episode, not bad but not great either. Liked the song, and the way they used the library tree was cool too. Other than that, pretty standard stuff.
! Edit: Oh yeah, I also found the idea of Bulk Biceps working at the spa pretty funny.
Finally caught up.
2-part opener:
! Really enjoyed it. MLP takes on Communism, who knew? I couldn't help but think of Animal Farm, the whole, "All Animals Are Equal. But Some Are More Equal Than Others."
! Take that, North Korea. US and our individuality kicks butt, you suck!
Episode 3:
! This was an okay, cute episode. Aside from the funny opening, I could see where this was going pretty quick. Thankfully the girls' fighting wasn't too drawn out. But the best part was definitely Bulk Biceps working at the spa. Even if it was a quick scene, it's the funniest one in the ep.
! Also, is this the first time one of the Spa Ponies has actually spoken?
You know, when Rarity's portrait of the group was the first thing that got taken down, I expected that to come back into play later. I mean, to me that seems like the sort of thing that probably would help make the place more homely.
! Also, is this the first time one of the Spa Ponies has actually spoken?
! Nope, one of them also spoke in S1E09, to ask Zecora for the recipe of her healing bubble bath.
! Well… I've seen the episode 3 of season 5 and it's one of the "Meh" episodes for me too. It's not bad, but it's not especially good either. That was to be expected, thought. Lesson Zero was great, Too Many Pinkie Pie was ok, Ticket Master and Castle Mane-ia were "meh" too IMO, so it's not such a surprise for me that the 3 episode of the season is "Meh". However... I liked the song and the scene with Bulk Biceps doing a "Coolaid man" at the Spa... Talking 'bout that... I've noticed something about Bulk Biceps... He's loud, overly muscular, he's a coatch (in the Equestria Girls world at least) and a masseur... OMG... He's like the pony version of Nekomaru Nidai from Danganronpa 2!
! Am I the only one who straight up adores the episode?
Like, I totally applaud what they were going for.
The show cares enough to address the loss of the library instead of just forgetting about it and moving on.
! That's fucking beautiful, and the reason I loved this as much as I did.
I was personally really amused by the pancakes scene.
…possibly because I had just gotten pancakes right before watching.
The pancakes scene made me hungry. Really hungry.
Like if I wasn't being a lazy slug I would have high-tailed it to Denny's.
i swore the entire time that they were all gonna end up in the castle at the end. :\
Clip from the next episode:
Episodes 7 & 8 revealed:
! Episode 7:
! Make New Friends But Keep Discord
! Air Date: May 16, 2015)
! Synopsis: After finding out that Fluttershy is taking a new friend to the Grand Galloping Gala instead of him, Discord goes to extreme lengths to show that it doesn't bother him.
! Episode 8:
! My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic : The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
Air Date: May 23, 2015)
! Synopsis: Rainbow Dash and Pinkie pie are called by the map to the ancient kingdom of Griffonstone but have conflicting ideas as to what problem they have been called to fix.
! Am I the only one who straight up adores the episode?
Like, I totally applaud what they were going for.
The show cares enough to address the loss of the library instead of just forgetting about it and moving on.
! That's fucking beautiful, and the reason I loved this as much as I did.
! Same here, the scene where Twilight and Spike look over the dead tree makes you think how far everything has come.
! The songs were really serene <3
Just got done watching episode 4.
! Another dream-related episode, this time with Applebloom dreaming about what might happen if she finally got her cutie mark. To be honest, I find it ok at best, much better than the previous episode. :)
! Anyway, I wonder what kind of crazy shit that the fandom will come up with out of this episode, especially now that Babs got her cutie that revolves around scissors. XD
! Octavia and Vinyl cameo, 10/10.
! …
! Ok, real thoughts. That was a pretty trippy episode. The whole dream felt a little too predictable and drawn out to me, but it did have some interesting (and weird) stuff, and it demonstrated Apple Bloom's fears nicely. And we learned some cool things, like Babs getting her mark, or that Luna can apparently dream conference call. Overall, a fine episode, and now the CMC dream trilogy is complete.
This week's mini PMV:
! Low hanging fruit, but it had to be done.
! I'm generally not a fan of CMC episodes, but I actually thought this episode was pretty good.
! The dream sequences allowed for some fairly interesting visuals and I thought there were quite a few clever/funny lines (I love how Scootaloo realized she could fly while in her dream). And I knew it had to be either Luna or Starlight who was controlling Apple Bloom's dreams.
! Also, that makes all three CMCs that Luna has visited
! I think it would have worked a little better if they'd made one big plausible scenario that had all those fears come forth and get some real emotion out of it, rather than multiple repeats of the same setup followed by a short gag, but whatever. I guess this way it became clear there was something up even more immediately and could just run with the humor. It worked okay for what it was trying to do.
! Episode 8:
! My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic : The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
Air Date: May 23, 2015)
! Synopsis: Rainbow Dash and Pinkie pie are called by the map to the ancient kingdom of Griffonstone but have conflicting ideas as to what problem they have been called to fix.
! I sense a return from someone from Season 1 here.
! I love Luna dream episodes. Mostly just for Luna.
! Other than that, it's a cute episode. I didn't expect that Sweetie Belle's audition was a dream, I thought we were going to get an honest-to-god episode with her singing! Oh well, I knew it was too much to hope.
Episodes 7 & 8 revealed:
! Episode 7:
! Make New Friends But Keep Discord
! Air Date: May 16, 2015)
! Synopsis: After finding out that Fluttershy is taking a new friend to the Grand Galloping Gala instead of him, Discord goes to extreme lengths to show that it doesn't bother him.
! Do I detect . . . . . . THE SCHMOOZE!?
Regarding episode 4
! Fun episode overall, and finally addressing something everyone's been wondering about. The scene with applebloom having a cutie mark but the other ones not having one is definitely one I've been expecting since the CMC got started. Sure, it's a dream, but it's nice it coming up.
Also, I knew at the beginning pretty much immediately that it was a dream, but when Applebloom was catching those bugs like a pro I was actually hoping it wasn't. Because that was kind of awesome.
Scootaloo's and Sweetie Bell's cutie marks are obvious, but I wonder what Apple Bloom's is gonna be.
I guess if we go by the cues of their names..
SCOOTaloo- scooter star
Sweetie BELL - music/singing
Apple BLOOM - maybe.. Raising Apple trees? Oh well it'll be some generic appleness probably.
Scootaloo's and Sweetie Bell's cutie marks are obvious, but I wonder what Apple Bloom's is gonna be.
I guess if we go by the cues of their names..
SCOOTaloo- scooter star
Sweetie BELL - music/singing
Apple BLOOM - maybe.. Raising Apple trees? Oh well it'll be some generic appleness probably.
! If we look at their dreams Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell already subconsciously know/want what their cutie marks will be. Scootaloo's having to do with some sort of Evil Kneivel/acrobatic thing and Sweetie Bell's is singing. Which has been hinted at for a while. Applebloom is the only one who has no idea what she wants or is particularly good at yet.
! There was the episode back in Season 1(?) that showed her being good at Art, but we haven't seen any of that since.
Scootaloo's and Sweetie Bell's cutie marks are obvious, but I wonder what Apple Bloom's is gonna be.
I guess if we go by the cues of their names..
SCOOTaloo- scooter star
Sweetie BELL - music/singing
Apple BLOOM - maybe.. Raising Apple trees? Oh well it'll be some generic appleness probably.
! If we look at their dreams Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell already subconsciously know/want what their cutie marks will be. Scootaloo's having to do with some sort of Evil Kneivel/acrobatic thing and Sweetie Bell's is singing. Which has been hinted at for a while. Applebloom is the only one who has no idea what she wants or is particularly good at yet.
! There was the episode back in Season 1(?) that showed her being good at Art, but we haven't seen any of that since.
Yeah, I always thought they established their talents in Show Stoppers; Apple Bloom is a designer, Scootaloo is a dancer, and Sweetie Belle is a singer.
Now they just have to discover their talents for themselves.
Again, we haven't seen anything of Apple Bloom's artist/designer makings since that episode. Scootaloo's and Sweetie Bell's talents have been shown over and over, but Apple Bloom's was only in that episode.
! I think the nightmares show that the CMC know what their talents are, but they don't want to accept them just yet. Perhaps a mark appears when you do both.
It would also explain why they took the turn they did at the end of show stoppers. They knew what Twilight meant, but they didn't acknowledge it to her face.
am I the only rebel, who wants apple bloom's cutie mark to not be apples. :3
am I the only rebel, who wants apple bloom's cutie mark to not be apples. :3
I'm personally rooting for a potion making cutie mark.
It's something different, and she's starting to get a knack for it through practising with Zecora and Twilight.
Are there any ponies that don't have a cutie mark that reflects their name? Are the parents slightly psychic and know the future but after the pony is born they have amnesia about the meaning of the name? Or something…
Derpy. what do bubbles have to do with muffins or being a mail courier.
Are there any ponies that don't have a cutie mark that reflects their name? Are the parents slightly psychic and know the future but after the pony is born they have amnesia about the meaning of the name? Or something…
I like to think either that or ponies have a ceremony similar to Genpuku where, if I'm remembering right, the sons of samurai select a name of their own upon reaching adulthood
In answer to the question, Pinkie Pie's name seems more descriptive of Pinkie's appearance since nothing about it works with her Cutie Mark.
! Season 5 has been on point!
! I thought this episode was very well done. For all the time the CMC has been trying to get their cutie marks, what will happen when they do get them? It raised all of the possibilities - not getting them at the same time, not being satisfied with the mark, Apple Bloom being outcasted from her family…
! We've all been there, especially myself. Anxiety on what's to come, never knowing until it happens....
! Extra points for Babs reference and another Luna appearance! Continuity makes me a happy camper.
Derpy. what do bubbles have to do with muffins or being a mail courier.
Those are actually the molecules of an atom bursting apart in explosion.
Or maybe bubble-brain.
Those are actually the molecules of an atom bursting apart in explosion.
Or maybe bubble-brain.
I seem to recall awhile back, you mentioned that you were adopting this as your headcanon:
The bubbles are there because Derpy is the only pony to ever manage flying in the uppermost atmosphere.
She was never the same after the oxygen deprivation, but it will always be known that she accomplished the feat.
Derpy. what do bubbles have to do with muffins or being a mail courier.
She's a bubble-head.
more like a bubble butt. :P
Clip for tomorrow's episode"
Just got done watching episode 5.
! Jesus freaking Christ, Rainbow done lost it in this episode! XD
! I understand that it would suck to not being able to see your pet for a few months because of hibernation, but seriously, she almost blew up a fucking factory just to keep Tank from hibernating. Good lord!
! Anyway, it was an entertaining episode. Big props to Flutters for telling Rainbow straight up to accept being petless for a while. Also, Rainbow's angry and grinch-like facial expressions were priceless! XD
! …Well this was quite the episode, a lot of interesting stuff going on. One of the first things I noticed was what seemed like a lot of new facial expressions and poses for the characters, which I liked. Dash got a nice song to herself (glad to see Ashleigh Ball getting some more singing duty, for both AJ and Dash). I really liked the Abbott and Costello style scene with the cloud ponies too. Plenty of things to like in this episode. The only thing that felt a little off to me was that there were no real consequences for Dash sabotaging the weather production. It ended up just making winter anyway, and thus ended up as just a no harm, no foul kinda thing. Overall though, really enjoyed this episode.
! I can see where some people might have had a problem with this episode,
because rainbow dash went to such negative extremes.
! But you have to put her actions in the context of loving something so much that you just can't let it go…
I've been in that place myself, and I totally get her. That was a completely understandable reaction.
! Yeah, it was over the top. Yes, it was an overreaction.
But that's what happens when you're so emotionally invested in someone!
! I don't think people can hold it against her or even discredit the episode because of that.
I think it was executed pretty damn well, especially because it led to those explosive arguments she was having, and how she broke down in tears for... a good two minutes maybe.
That was very realistic, they didn't just.. have it a short cutaway thing, they dragged that out. But in the positive way!
! Having to separate like that clearly broke rainbow up, and that was lovely to see.
All of her reactions actually helped solidify the bond between them. And it makes it beautiful. It really does.
! …Well this was quite the episode, a lot of interesting stuff going on. One of the first things I noticed was what seemed like a lot of new facial expressions and poses for the characters, which I liked. Dash got a nice song to herself (glad to see Ashleigh Ball getting some more singing duty, for both AJ and Dash). I really liked the Abbott and Costello style scene with the cloud ponies too. Plenty of things to like in this episode. The only thing that felt a little off to me was that there were no real consequences for Dash sabotaging the weather production. It ended up just making winter anyway, and thus ended up as just a no harm, no foul kinda thing. Overall though, really enjoyed this episode.
! i think the lesson is, you can't stop the inevitable. she tried to stop winter and it just exploded.
aww, mdl, i didn't think that. i could see where she was coming from. We can't all be strong all the time. RD was having a tough time, and her friends were understanding and were there for her. that's what I like about this show. I also liked her jammies. :)
This week's mini pmv:
! The way Rainbow Dash carried on in this episode, I have to wonder if it was originally written so that Tank would die, but then they figured that would be too extreme.
! Anyway, good episode, even if RD took it a little too far. Lots of great expressions and the Abbot and Costello bit, which provided some long-delayed poking fun at the ponies' names
! The way Rainbow Dash carried on in this episode, I have to wonder if it was originally written so that Tank would die, but then they figured that would be too extreme.
I doubt it was written with that result in mind… but it probably was the analogy in mind. Teach about loss and coping, without going the full mile.
Similar to the way getting cutie marks could also be a lesson about starting puberty.
I doubt it was written with that result in mind… but it probably was the analogy in mind. Teach about loss and coping, without going the full mile.
Similar to the way getting cutie marks could also be a lesson about starting puberty.
I admit that didn't even cross my mind. But that's true, it IS a clever way to teach kids about loss (sort of). At some point they'll have to read/watch something where a character actually dies, but this is a good way to "prepare" them I suppose.
God forbit they ever have to read/watch Old Yeller or Where the Red Fern Grows.
I doubt it was written with that result in mind… but it probably was the analogy in mind. Teach about loss and coping, without going the full mile.
Similar to the way getting cutie marks could also be a lesson about starting puberty.
You're probably right, but there were so many things about the episode that invoked feelings of actual death.
! Rainbow Dash getting the "news" from a "doctor", Tank being tired and sluggish, The Mane 6 all crying together, and Tank even gets buried in the ground at the end. And did anyone else notice how RD goes through the five stages of grief?
! Denial - Refusing to acknowledge that Tank is hibernating
Anger - Snapping at her friends
Bargaining - "If I can stop Winter from coming, then Tank won't have to hibernate"
Depression - Moping on the bed and then crying with her friends
Acceptance - Finally allows Tank to hibernate
Hmm.. wasn't a fan of this episode. I wonder why they decided to bring on winter in the series NOW, when spring just started here?
I thought maybe by the end of the episode they'd timeskip to spring and Tank coming out, but nope.
It does really feel like an episode about coping with a pet's death though.