Alright, since there's no thread for single drawings/artworks here, I thought I'd make one. Yeah, it seems that people mostly post to their own threads, but I thought it would be nice if we had one general thread where you can post miscellaneous stuff, maybe get some critique or encouraging words, and so on. Does anyone else like the idea, or do I have to keep this thread for myself?
I'm bit of an art lover, but I rarely draw anything myself. I'd like to draw and/or paint more often, but something seems to block me whenever I try, so I usually manage to create nothing more but doodles on the sketchbook and such. Not so very much creative stuff, but better than nothing. And here's some recent pictures of mine which I thought I could share with you guys:
Chopper straight from actual manga, enjoying his cotton candy before the Davy back fight. This is fairly typical for me, I don't always finish my drawings, or I may just leave some parts missing or forget about coloring a part of it. (And I hate trying to draw that cross on his hat, so this time I didn't.)
And then we have this guilty looking Luffy I just felt like drawing. What can I say, in a sense Luffy is the easiest ever to draw, for he looks just like a… doodle? Then again, this kinda makes it difficult to draw him life-like.
Oh, and my apologies for the scanner being such a bitch. I tried to cut those dark stripes out of the sides of the pictures, but there's still some shade left I see...