KaboingTV will go online on March 11, 2011. Created by Joe Murray, creator of Rocko's Modern Life and Camp Lazlo, KaboingTV will be a home for quality, cutting edge cartoons and animation on the web, and a "free range" and ethical environment for the artists who make them. Murray's latest show, Frog in a Suit will premiere on the site on March 11th with it's first episode. The other two will be released on March 18th and March 25th. They will also be super syndicated via YouTube and others to get maximum viewership and exposure. The future of the project will rely on the response to those episodes and KaboingTV as a whole. The site and cartoons will advertising free at first, to build up viewership. Joe has expressed that he would like to remain viewer supported and free, although subscriptions may be offered that will offer up cartoons before others see them, as well as bonus features.
"I feel the cartoon fan and the creators of cartoons need an alternative distribution outlet that takes the next wave of animation directly to the audience, complete with audience interaction with the artists who make the cartoons." Says Murray, "I’m hoping that KaboingTV creates a platform for cartoon creators to take their cartoons directly to the people. It will take a lot of work, and additional funding from viewers. We will not be starting out with any funding from the outside, or from advertising or subscriptions. Since these cartoons were produced with the funding from “the people” I feel it should be “out there ” for the people. But to make further episodes, I need a viewer to step up and drop some money in the hat. Take a moment and pledge for new cartoons, or to keep the site going. Tell your friends about it, put links on your facebook page. It will be up to us to make this happen."