This is an interesting manga written by Araki and draw by the same and Onikubo Hirohisa. It's separate chapters exploring the lives of ''famous'' people like Nikola Tesla, Ty Coby and other ''historical characters''.
It's worth reading this:
The Lives of Eccentrics/Henjin Henkutsu Retsuden
the concept sounds really, really interesting.
I read this series a while back. It's a pity Araki isn't doing more stuff like this. He's got the stamina for it.
Yeah this was pretty good. Rather hit-or-miss (it was collected over a long period of time and some stories were just shoehorned into the book) but still pretty entertaining at times. It's also a gaudy-as-hell hardcover with a slipcase and everything.
I love this.
"Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration."
One of the biggest lies in the world. Thomas Edison was over-rated.