Hey everyone! I just need some ideas for my English Creative Essay.
It's just for one bit of my story though. I'll elaborate later on. Here's the task first.
Write a creative essay of approximately 600-800 words on the topic below.
There is no hope for a civilisation which starts each day to the sound of an alarm clock.
You may interpret it in any way you wish.
And this is my essay so far.
WARNING It's a tad depressing. Heh. ‘Dreams, goals and desires.’ Those were the words I found hardest to define. Often, it’s described as something you wished to do, something you wished to achieve and would make you happy, of your own accord, that is. The definition was there, but when applied in real life, the meaning was lost through the influence of others. There was no independence in civilisation anymore. People often stopped reaching for their personal goals because of their surroundings and the influence of their peers. They thought that their own dream wasn’t ‘normal’ or ‘ideal’ to reach for, so they went for typical goals, like going for the better company, university, or job. There was no more uniqueness in society because of this ongoing pressure to choose certain dreams only. But where was this pressure coming from? Does it even exist? There is no hope for a civilisation which starts each day to the sound of an alarm clock. Even though I thought this way, here I was, sitting in probably the most average, typical job you could think of. I had a desk job, and was an employee of an average company. I was meant to be filing papers, but my mind drifted off again, questioning the ways of the society. This train of thought had come back to mind several times. But why, why did it keep coming back? This hadn’t happened before. Why all the thought about personal dreams? I already had a stable job, with an income that was enough for me. I had all that I needed. I could survive. Yes, that’s what I was doing, surviving. Everything I did was just so I could keep on living. Keep on living for what though? What was I living for? Another essential question of life I’d have to answer later as Mr Wright, my boss was yelling at me. He stomped up to my desk and dropped yet another towering stack of papers waiting to be checked through and edited. “These better be finished before you knock off today alright Mr Davis? No more slacking off!” He demanded before he slipped out the door. A sigh of relief escaped my lips at his departure, followed by a sigh of exhaustion at the unbelievable amount of work needed to be done. But then again, it was my fault, letting my mind drift off all the time. “Just concentrate on your work and don’t get fired.” I kept repeating to myself as I tackled the unpleasant pile of boring text. Don’t get fired… But why did I ferociously work everyday like a robot, just to keep a job I absolutely regret applying for? My boss despises me as well. I was sick and tired of this life I was living. I felt like dying. The mere action of living had exhausted me to the core. Every time my alarm clock irritatingly rang to wake me up, I simply laid there, stared at the ceiling, and wondered what I was actually waking up for. My life was boring and uneventful. The future was bleak. It wasn’t always like this though… I used to have a dream. About 10 years ago, when I was just sixteen, I desired to become the world’s greatest archaeologist and historian. And this is where I got stuck. It's already 543 words by the way. I'm basically planning to finish it off with him having a short flashback about his passion for archaology and history. Then he realises that he shouldn't just sit there anymore, and states that he'll break out of this 'normal' way of living, and start doing what he wants to do. And I'll probably end it there, with that declaration. I'll run out of words anyway. So… Basically I just want some ideas on how I should carry out the flashback. What should I include in it? I might include how the influence of society made him stray away from his original path. But I'm not that good at flashbacks, and hope to get some suggestions on how to make it engaging as well. I would also like some criticism and feedback on what I've written so far. That would be great! Thanks heaps
edit; Don't know what's up with the different fonts. ><
edit 2; Fixed.