An idea I've been bouncing around for a while now. However whenever I think about it I'm not online…
Anywho. Everyone has one and people need/want them! Ranging from simple things to the more complex.
This thread is all about posting alternative remedies which can make life a little better. The remedys you post can be ones you've created, ones you or someone you know has used, or even ones you've just heard about!
This is also an opportunistic place to ask about remedies.
Make sure to list the ingredients (if any) and be sure to explain how to prepare and use the remedy. It can get confusing if you don't!
Here's some of my quick fixes:
Get a drink, preferably water or something non-carbonated. Directly after a hiccup begin drinking the water taking 10 of the smallest sips you can. You have to make sure you focus all of your attention on the counting. From there finish off the drink with counting off several large gulps as well.
**By putting all of your attention into counting the sips and gulps, you take your mind off of the hiccups. Focus on the hiccups tend to cause them to stay.
Dark circles under eyes:
This is one I've seen a lot of feedback on. Apparantly by taking IcyHot cream and putting it on the dark circles under your eyes before you go to sleep helps to reduce and remove the discoloration.
Swollen or numb gums:
If you are having a swollen, sore, or numb patch in your gums, chances are you have a bit of an infection in them. The best thing to do, believe it or not, is to take a dental pick or other mouth approved sharp instrument and make the area bleed. By draining out the blood of the infected area, you are also draining out the infection. Clean up the wound with mouthwash or peroxide when you're done.
Watery or sore ears:
One of the best ways to clean out all the gunk from your ears when they're sore or soggy is to take hydrogen peroxide to them! Pour about 1/2 a capfull of solution into the cap of the bottle. From there lay down on your side with the afflicted ear facing up. Carefully pour the liquid into your ear, if some spills out dont worry, just wipe yourself off with a couple of tissues. You will hear TONS of bubbles popping inside your ears, this is the peroxide going to work on the gunk causing all the trouble. Wait until the bubbles stop popping (or at least until the popping goes to a minimum). From there, tilt your head into a tissue to drain the excess fluid. Dry your ear out, and you're done!
**This remedy I especially reccommend for people like me who have swimmers ear. It's a LOT less painful than the alcohol based swimmersear medications.